Alison Evans Richard Sloan National Project Marking Schedule
To inform participants about the NPMS For participants to know what support will be needed by registrars and trainers in undertaking and supervising project work Aims
Short presentation Work on projects Discussion / questions Outline
Problem Based Learning agenda Encourages in-depth learning about one aspect of practice Self direction Spirit of enquiry Project Work In Training
ability to construct a logical argument and communicate it in written English ability to plan and sustain activity over a period of time Competencies Tested
wider range of submission allowed must refer to relevant literature criteria marked on scale rather than ‘all or nothing’ encourages higher levels of achievement than ‘minimum competence’ How is the NPMS Different?
addresses a defined problem is related to previous work presents qualitative or quantitative findings interprets these findings draws conclusions from the evidence presented Project – a self directed piece of learning which:
questionnaire study notes review literature review clinical case study research study plan for a new service in the practice audit discussion paper The Project May Be a :
developed by GP educators with experience of assessing projects modified following consultation with 186 GP educators nation-wide majority of respondents agreed with the criteria used and description of level of minimum competence Validity
good agreement between markers high sensitivity and specificity shown in initial testing (89% and 78%, compared to 83% and 80% for audit schedule at equivalent stage of testing) Reliability
total score of 18 or more out of possible 30 not less than 2 on any criterion Pass Rules:
Three first level markers, if one or more refer, goes to two second level markers second level markers agree pass or refer if refer, must agree score on each criterion marking sheet returned to GPR with invitation to resubmit same re-written project or a new one resubmission marked by second level markers Marking
projects referred after resubmission are submitted to National markers who make final decision on pass / fail comments from all markers sent to GPR’s new trainer if additional training is undertaken Referrals
Deaneries may train their own markers - project material can be supplied if needed GPRs from Deaneries outside Yorkshire may submit projects to be marked in Yorkshire with the consent of their Director Yorkshire markers will claim fees directly from the GPR’s Deanery Implementing the NPMS
Annual 3-day trainers seminar on supervising audit and research projects - includes informatics training Local trainers’ workshops Advice on an individual basis Supporting Trainers
Key Points for Success Look at some past projects – Choose something you are really interested in Look at the marking crib Minimum 6 references KEEP IT SIMPLE Self assess it / Get a trainer
Supporting Registrars Annual 5-day Summer School ‘All you ever wanted to know about projects’ - includes literature searching and appraisal, computer skills, methodology half-day release trainers’ workshops tele-conferencing individual advice from NPMS team