Contraception and Protecting your self from Infection/Disease
1. You can’t get pregnant if you have sex on your period 2. Condoms will always prevent you from getting pregnant 3. You can usually tell if someone has a sexually transmitted infection 4. You can’t get a sexually transmitted infection from oral sex 5. A girl can’t get pregnant if she is on top
6. A wallet is a good place to store a condom 7. Condoms last in the package for several years 8. Using oil, hand cream or Vaseline with a condom is a good way to lubricate it 9. HIV is only passed through vaginal sex 10. Using plastic wrap or a small bag will work if you don’t have a condom
11. A girl can’t get pregnant or sick if the semen just touches the outside of the body 12. If a girl is on the pill and she misses a few one month, she is still protected against pregnancy 13. A girl can’t get pregnant if the boy doesn’t ejaculate inside her (he pulls out / stops) 14. The only sure way to protect yourself from pregnancy and disease is not to have a relationship at all
IUD (Intra-uterine device) ▪ 1 / 100 will get pregnant Morning-after pill ▪ 2 / 100 will get pregnant Birth control pills (taken every day at the same time) ▪ 8 / 100 will get pregnant Condoms (used correctly every time) ▪ 15 / 100 will get pregnant Diaphragm ▪ 16/ 100 will get pregnant Spermicide ▪ 29 / 100 will get pregnant Withdrawal (pulling out) ▪ 27 / 100 will get pregnant Temperature charting / Rhythm method ▪ 25 / 100 will get pregnant No protection ▪ 85 / 100 will get pregnant Abstinence ▪ 0 / 100 will get pregnant More information here: √ √ X X X X X X X Which methods also protect you against infections? X
What’s the most common symptom of a sexually transmitted disease / infection? NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL! ▪ You can have an STI and never know unless you are tested ▪ Don’t risk your life! ▪ Don’t pass it on!
Could you... Pass it on to someone else Get painful sores Become very ill Never be able to have children (become infertile) Get cancer Die YES
In Colombia... 160,000 people were living with AIDS in 2010 14,000 people died in 2009 due to AIDS You can catch HIV/AIDS from all sexual intercourse, but can you catch it from... Shaking hands or hugging? Sharing a toothbrush or eating from the same plate? Kissing? Oral sex? Touching an infected person’s cut skin? Sharing a needle?
In groups of 4: Collect one “STD” pamphlet per group Collect one other pamphlet on any topic per group Read the pamphlet together Choose an STD and write a short summary including: What the symptoms the infection/disease causes What happens if you don’t get treatment How it is transmitted from one person to another How to prevent it