Origins of American Government
Who were the early settlers of our country and why did they come? English -they came seeking: -religious freedom -a fresh start -a big cash prize -adventure
What basic concepts of government did they bring with them? Ordered Government Limited Government Representative Government
ordered government Colonists saw the need for orderly regulation of their relationships with one another they created local government based from what they had known previously
Limited Government government should not be all powerful each individual has certain rights that the government can not take away
Representative Government government should serve the will of the people the people should have a way to express their wants and wishes
What basic documents were these concepts based on? The Magna Carta The Petition of Right The Bill of Rights
The Magna this was an agreement between wealthy land owners and the king the barons were looking for protection from the kings arbitrary rulings the king agreed to give up some of his powers this established the principle of limited government and fundamental rights of English citizens
The Petition of Right limited the kings powers elevated the power of parliament (parliament was a representative of the people) gave further rights to the English people trial by jury no martial law no sheltering of soldiers no taxing with the consent of parliament
The Bill of Rights this called for free elections right to a fair and speedy trial no excessive bail no cruel and unusual punishment
What types of governments were established in the colonies? Royal Colonies Proprietary Colonies Charter Colonies
Royal Colony subject to the control of the crown run by appointed governors
Proprietary Colony Owned by wealthy individuals Governors were appointed by the wealthy
Charter Colony The Colony was granted by the King Governors were elected by the colonist