COURSE OUTLINE Lecturer: Aisha AlArfaj Office:
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND TOPICS Week No. Topic 1 Introduction to the Internet. 2 Basics of the World Wide Web and Websites. 3 Interview: Webpage Creator. 4 Fundamentals of Communication Systems. 5 Computer Support. 6 Computer and Information Security. 7 Interview: the ex-hacker. 8 Software Engineering. 9 Holiday 10 People in Computing. 11 File Structures and Databases 12 Bioinformatics. 13 Advanced Topics (Robotics, E-Commerce, Grid and Mobile Computing, Computational Linguistics, …)
COURSE OBJECTIVES Student who successfully complete this course will be able to: Recognize English materials related to computer science. Realize the Internet for communication purposes. Understand the basics of web education and e- commerce applications. Realize how to cooperate with colleagues. Recognize the different sources of learning besides the traditional one. Understand the basic concept of self-learning.
STUDENT ASSESSMENT Assessment Task Week Due Proportion of Final Assessment 1 Quiz-IWeek 4 5% 2 Midterm examWeek 8 20% 3 Quiz -IIWeek 11 5% 4 Project (I-II)Week (5-13) 10% 5 Homework Throughout the semester 5% 6 Participation of class Throughout the semester 5% 7 Final ExamWeek 15 50% 100%
LEARNING RESOURCES Main Books 1.Eric H. Glendinning and John McEwan, “Oxford English for Information Technology”, Oxford University Press, Student’s Book, ISBN x, Eric H. Glendinning and John McEwan, “Basic English for Computing”, Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, Student’s Book, ISBN , The latest Edition. 3. السيد محمود الربيعي واخرون، " المعجم الشامل لمصطلحات الحاسب الآلي والإنترنت " مكتبة العبيكان،الطبعة الأولى 2001 م. Essential Reference Keith Boeckner and P Charles Brown, “Oxford English for Computing”, Oxford University Press, Student’s Book, ISBN , The latest Edition Recommended Books 1.Santiago Remacha Esteras, “Infotech Student’s Book: English for Computer Users”, the 3 rd Edition, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, ISBN “Oxford Dictionary of Computing for Learners of English”, Oxford University Press, ISBN Websites
GUIDELINES FOR THE STUDENTS Students are advised to follow the text books and the slides for this course during the entire semester. Request for the change in the quiz and the major dates will not be accepted. Students make it clear in the beginning not to have any clash in major/quiz dates between the other courses they are taking in this semester. NO make-up exams.
GUIDELINES FOR THE STUDENTS If you couldn’t do your homework or taking a quiz because of illness you should get a letter from a doctor. Student have to pay attention to the lecture and Don’t Distract your classmates by: Conversation. Mobile phone(which should be silent or off) Using your laptop or any other devices. Attend late.
Students that come to class 10 minutes late are marked absent. Students that are regularly absent are given DN warning (see DN warning flyer). Students that are regularly absent or/and late will also receive lower class participation marks. Students are advised to be regular in the classes. The missed lectures will not be repeated. ATTENDANCE & CLASS PARTICIPATION
In case the whole class will miss the lecture, the students should be prepared to take the quiz for the missed lecture on the following day. There will be no announcement for the above mentioned quiz. Students should regularly check their college/personal boxes or the website link for the slides, announcements regarding the course. ATTENDANCE & CLASS PARTICIPATION
ASSIGNMENTS All assignments should be delivered on time or won't be counted. All assignments should be two copies one handed to me and the other by . No late submission for homework/project, if you will do that your mark will be affected.