Digital Wisdom Some definitions Digital wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, and insight related to digital technologies. Wisdom is more than knowledge yet depends on it both in terms of breadth and depth. Social informatics is the study of information and communication tools in cultural or institutional contexts. Computer science is the development of theories of computation that then translate into design and development of computational systems.
Digital Wisdom Becoming digitally wise depends on learning in both the social informatics and computer science domains.
Digital Wisdom - a learning outcome ● Digital Wisdom is a desired learning outcome. ● Social informatics and computer science are fields of study. ● Digital Wisdom is acquired from learning in fields of study associated with digital technologies.
Linguistic vs Digital Wisdom. ●Linguistic wisdom is a desired learning outcome. ●The ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, and insight related to your native language. ●Social linguistics is the use of language, learning and literacy in their social, cultural and political contexts. ●Linguistics itself is the scientific study of language.
Characteristics of learning Linguistic wisdom vs Digital wisdom. ● SPAG technical linguistics. Bits, bytes and data structures. ● Focused lessons on literature, social, cultural and political application. (ICT) ● Every teacher is a teacher of English. Few are really digitally competent. ● No debate about whether linguistic wisdom is necessary to support learning, it's taken as self-evident. Digital not so. ● Most teachers have been formally taught to acquire linguistic wisdom from the age of 4, very few have a similar digital background. ● Social linguistic landscape is relatively slow to change, social digital landscape changes rapidly.
Implications for schools ● Attitudes need to change. ● Decide what is essential, what is important, what is interesting. ● Less obsession with fashion accessories. ● More emphasis on under-pinning fundamental knowledge. ● Provision of incentives eg through assessment. ● Practical strategies to upskill the work-force.