Mobility Management Matters…for Many Reasons! Judy Shanley, Ph.D. Asst. Vice President, Education & Youth Transition Co-Director, National Center for Mobility Management Easter Seals Chicago, IL
Lunchtime Speaker…My Biggest Fear…..
And my Next Biggest Fear
And A Concern…Running to the Bathroom…
Thank you for Sticking with me!
Learning Objectives Enhance understanding of mobility management Help others see why mobility management matters Leverage community and national resources Have reflect, network, and have fun!
Mobility Management Matters Because… Mobility management is an approach to designing and delivering transportation services that starts and ends with the customer. It begins with a community vision in which the entire transportation network—public transit, private operators, cycling and walking, volunteer drivers, and others—works together with customers, planners, and stakeholders to deliver the transportation options that best meet the community’s needs.
Mobility Management Matters Because…. Legislation & Policy Reinforces a Focus on Inclusive Transportation IDEA Americans with Disabilities Act Higher Education Opportunity Act State Employment First Initiatives Olmstead Act Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Inclusion IDEA Access to the General Education Curriculum
Mobility Management Matters… Goals of Mobility Management Creating partnerships between a diverse range of community organizations (public, private, non-profit, for-profit, etc.) to ensure that transportation resources are coordinated effectively. Using these partnerships to develop and enhance travel options for customers in the community or region. Developing ways to effectively communicate those options to the public to inform customers’ decision- making, focusing on enhancing customer service.
Mobility Management focuses on YOU and your individual transportation needs – whether you are currently driving, need transportation, or are somewhere in-between. Like a travel agent coordinates air, hotel and car rental, mobility managers, or specialists, help you coordinate the services you need to get you where you need to go, for your whole trip.
Mobility Management Makes Sense… Demand. Numbers of riders increasing. Flexibility. Public transit recognizes the importance of multi-modal services. Quality of Life. Connections with health, employability, and livability – especially for Veterans. Economic. Market-driven services, improves efficiency. Customer-Focused. Involving riders and other community members in the design of services results in services community members want and will use.
Economic Impact Southeastern Michigan: SMART -Community Partnership Program saved $ 2.7 million(2002 figures) Portland, OR: Tri-Met & Ride Connection -Ride Connection-providing mobility management services saved Tri-Met $ Million in FY 2001 From J. Burkhardt Management.pdf
Why is Coordination Important?
And This is Why… Access to Healthcare Access to College Access to Jobs
It’s About…. Creating Opportunities
It’s About… Working Together
It’s About…. Building a Foundation for Access & Independence
How Can Educators & Human Services Professionals Connect with Mobility Management Systems? Contact your local Metropolitan Planning Organization – transit agency or transportation department to learn about coordination in your community Find out about grant programs through which your school /organization may participate and collaborate with mobility managers Learn about whether your customers can access any of the transportation services provided by participants in the mobility management-coordinated transportation system Attend meetings, meet people, join transportation committees Use resources offered by mobility managers to orient your constituents to transportation options Invite mobility managers into your school/organization
Leverage Resources through Mobility Management & NCMM
The National Center for Mobility Management The mission of the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) is to facilitate communities to adopt transportation strategies and mobility options that empower people to live independently and advance health, economic vitality, self- sufficiency, and community.
About the NCMM National Technical assistance center Launched in early 2013 Jointly operated by three national organizations: – Easter Seals – American Public Transportation Association – Community Transportation Association of America Through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. DOT
Key Activities Implement communications and outreach – Website, Newsletter, LinkedIn, Webinars Create technical assistance and training network for mobility management leaders and practitioners Identify and document promising practices in mobility management
A Look at the Mobility Management Information Practices Database (MMIP)
Ms. Julie says… I love the MMIP! Submit your Practices!
Mobility Management Information and Practices (MMIP) Database Identify descriptions of mobility management practices – State and county levels Descriptive information about practices – context, demographics Facilitate interactivity via searchable database features Flexible tool - Update content continuously
Practice Descriptions Innovation Knowledge base Stakeholder engagement Monitoring and evaluation Efficiency Impact
The Difficulty in Finding Mobility Management Practices
Not Sure if a Practice is Appropriate?
Users can search by FTA region, state, city, community size, or focus of mobility management practice.
Share Your Practices
Contact Us Co-Directors Judy Shanley, Easter Seals, Carolyn Jeskey, CTAA, Rich Weaver, APTA, Regional Liaison, FTA Region 2**
Resources /
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. In Fierce Conversations, By Susan Scott
Judy Shanley, Ph.D