Chapter 2
3 European powers planted 3 primitive outposts in 3 distant corners Spanish = Santa Fe 1610 French = Quebec 1608 English = Jamestown 1607
Protestant Reformation – Mid 1500’s King Henry VIII Queen Elizabeth – 1558 Protestant Crushed the Irish 1570’s – 1580’s Confiscated Catholic Irish lands “Planted” with new Protestant landlord
Spread Protestantism Seizing Spanish ships / settlements Sea Dogs Sir Francis Drake Deal with Elizabeth Knighted Drake Sir Walter Raleigh North Carolina = Roanoke Island Vanished
1588 Philip II of Spain Spanish Armada 130 ships English = swifter / maneuverable Defeated Spain End of Spanish dominance Caribbean slips from Spain’s grasp Overextended English naval dominance Signed peace treaty
Tenant farming Wool industry Unemployment Overcrowded Surplus population Primogeniture Joint Stock Company Gave financial means
Virginia Company = 1 st Charter King James I Gold Passage through America Not permanent
May 24, 1607 3 ships 150 people Landed in Jamestown Virginia Chesapeake Bay Mosquito invested Disease, malnutrition, starvation 1608 John Smith “He who shall not work shall not eat”
Pocahontas Powhatan 1609 400 colonists at Jamestown “Starving Time” = winter 60 survived 1610 Relief party came Governor = Lord De La Warr
English raided Indian food supplies Lord De La Warr Declaration of War against Indians First Anglo-Powhatan War = 1614 1614 Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
Land hungry colonists Disease 1622 Series of attack 347 settlers dead Virginia Company “Perpetual war without peace or truce” Pushed survivors farther west
2 nd Anglo-Powhatan War – 1644 Native Americans defeated Peace treaty of 1646 Banished 3 D’s Disease Disorganization Disposability Native Americans served no purpose
Horse Migration into the Great Plains Lakotas (Sioux) New way of life Disease Extinguished cultures Commerce Firearms Competition amongst tribes
John Rolfe Father of tobacco Tobacco rush Hungered for land Economic savior Plantation system Needed fresh labor Dutch brought slaves Too costly Indentured servants
Catholic haven Lord Baltimore Reap financial profits Refuge for fellow Catholics Tobacco Indentured servants Religious toleration Act of Toleration
Spain weakened grip on West Indies England claimed several islands Jamaica – 1655 Sugar plantations Rich man’s crop Land clearing Sugar mills Wealthy investors Slaves
1700 Slaves outnumbered white settlers 4 to 1 Barbados Slave Code – 1661 Denied fundamental rights Masters = complete control Punishments West Indies depended on North America for food supplies Small English farmers move North Carolina
Colonization interrupted during mid 1600’s English Revolution Developed close ties with West Indies Stage for slave trade Used Savannah Indians = Manacled Indians Rice = principal export crop Charles Town Busiest seaport / Aristocrats Religious toleration
Ragtag group, poverty stricken outcasts Squatters Riffraff Separated from South Carolina in 1712 Democratic Independent-minded Lease aristocratic
Last of the 13 colonies Buffer Named after King George Received monetary subsidies Haven for wretched souls imprisoned for debt James Oglethorpe “The charity colony” Melting pot / Religious toleration Except Catholics