WSPU Women’s Social and Political Union The Suffragettes The popular press image of suffragettes: Being “cruelly lampooned… unfeminine, masculine, frustrated spinsters.” (Morrison. P33)
A woman restrained by three policemen during disturbances outside Buckingham Palace. Suffragettes turned to direct action, such as chaining themselves to railings and smashing windows
Scene from one of the clashes between the suffragettes and the police in Parliament Square between November 1910.
A woman peers through a shattered window in Holloway prison after suffragettes caused an explosion at the jail in 1913
‘Deeds, not words was to be our permanent motto’ – Emmeline Pankhurst
The Rokeby Venus – price £45,000 Mary “Slasher” Richardson’s target
In this Punch cartoon by Bernard Partridge the sensible woman is saying to the Suffragette: ‘Help our cause? You’re its worst enemy.’
The Suffragette campaign did more damage than good to women getting the vote How much did the Suffragettes contribute to winning the vote for women? Read the sources on the link below and answer the following questions 1.What evidence is there in the sources suggesting the Suffragettes made a positive contribution by their actions to winning the vote? 2.What evidence is there in the sources suggesting the Suffragettes made a negative contribution by their actions to winning the vote? 3.How far do you agree that the suffragette campaign did more damage than good to women getting the vote? 4.From the evidence you have seen, summarise the strengths and weaknesses of the Suffragette campaign