Evaluating Academic Library Collections in the Age of Expedience: Presented by: Jen Fabbi University of Nevada Las Vegas Libraries For the Professional Development Forum of the Mountain Plains Library Association November 6, 2003 Weeding with a New Tool
Someday, we may go to the moon!
Stanley Slote (1997) Weeding Library Collections: Library Weeding Methods Serious problems in academic libraries, due to rapid growth and critical space shortages Image of protectors and collectors of knowledge Emphasis on numbers in determining value
Stanley Slote (1997): Other Barriers to Weeding Professional work pressures Public displeasure at discarded books Perceived sacredness Conflicting evaluation criteria
Shelf-time Period The amount of time a book remains on the shelf between uses Primary variable to consider when evaluating collections
Cut-off Point Core collection (items that are used) Noncore collection (items that arent used) Establish an exact time point based upon type of library, subject area, circulation, and other criteria, which determines whether a book is core or noncore
Keeping-Level Percentage of predicted use to be maintained after weeding a collection Level of future use Research collections 97% (the rest goes to storage)
Diversity of Opinions Collections should be kept completely intact Weeded gingerly by professionals only, using good judgment, not rules!
Newer Guidelines Weeding should increase circulation Speed of access and accuracy in retrieval is improved by weeding Items least likely to be used in the future should be removed
Criteria Based on Judgment Riddled with difficulties Books not for College Libraries Sunlink Weed-of-the-Month Club
Computer-Assisted Method Dusty Book Lists Challenge of measuring internal use Slotes primary objectives Buy in to shelf-time period concept Science fiction?
New Tool 3M Digital Materials Flow Management System Components Digital Library Assistant (DLA)
DLA Performs… Shelf-reading Searching Inventory Internal use count Weeding!
DLA Choose criteria Create item lists through integrated library system (i.e. Innovative) Select information to display Work with multiple lists
Happy Medium? Use objective criteria for a first pass Ability to look at items in context Subject specialist judgment
Barriers Price Priority of the task Emphasis on using the technology!
Relocation New developments at UNLV Libraries Lied Automated Storage and Retrieval (LASR)
DLA Screen & Demo Scenario--There were several weeding lists created. Weed1 contains books with copyright dates older than 1990, Weed2 from , Weed3 after 1997.
Questions?? Please contact me if you have questions tomorrow, or the next day, or the next year…at or (702)