Community Helpers First Grade Social Studies Activities Clay Doench Grace Chaney Ross Loudenback Lauren Richie(?)
Table of Contents 1.History 2.People in Societies 3.Geography 4.Economics 5.Government 6.Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 7.Social Studies Skills and Methods
History Websites teer.htmlhttp:// teer.html plans/socialstudies/helpers.htmhttp:// plans/socialstudies/helpers.htm King,_Jr King,_Jr ge1_Modules/helpers/ mhttp:// ge1_Modules/helpers/ m
History Activities Compare how gender roles used to be, to what they are now. Discuss who we need in our Community, and why we need them. Discuss the holidays that are based off of heroism from someone in a community.
History Activities Time for kids about peoples roles in the community. Worksheet matching a person to their job in the community. Write a letter to someone that is important to you in your community telling them why they are important and what they do to help you.
People in Societies Websites dy/communityhome.htmlhttp:// dy/communityhome.html ity%20Helpers.html ity%20Helpers.html bin/outsidesite.cgi?id=361&external= bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Social_Studi es/Civics/CIV0005.html&original= shtml&title=Community%20 Helpershttp:// bin/outsidesite.cgi?id=361&external= bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Social_Studi es/Civics/CIV0005.html&original= shtml&title=Community%20 Helpers
People in Societies Websites ry/comm/ ry/comm/ arch?keywords=Community+Helpershttp:// arch?keywords=Community+Helpers
People in Societies Activities List different community helpers from various countries. Describe how they compare to community helpers in the United States. Discuss how military members help communities around the world. Have a military member come in and talk with the class about how they help other countries.
People in Societies Activities Discuss who holds community helper jobs in the different countries already discussed. (gender) Have students participate in a travel buddy project.
Geography Websites l_Studies/Geographyhttp:// l_Studies/Geography html -5.html
Geography Activities Have students draw a map from their house to the police station. Have children identify on a map where community helpers work (police, fire fighter, mailman, etc.) Have children describe what cardinal directions are so they can identify community helpers work place on map.
Geography Activities Take children on tour of their community and have them identify community helpers and there place of work. Unscramble the community helpers pictures and then paste them on the map where they would be found.
Economics Websites asphttp:// asp Grades_ContentAreas/Default.asp Grades_ContentAreas/Default.asp std/Econ_Geog.htmlhttp:// std/Econ_Geog.html
Economics The students will use magazines to find pictures of producers and consumers. The class will have a bake sale in which the students will be the producers and parents the consumers. Have community members that buy and sell goods come into the class to talk about their job. Activities
Economics Set up a classroom store where students can act like consumers and producers. The class will take a trip to the grocery store and see consumers and producers in action. Activities Continued
Government Websites ial_Studies/__Grades_K- 2/Civics___Government/index.shtm ial_Studies/__Grades_K- 2/Civics___Government/index.shtm /government/ /government/ rch?keywords=government&rating=3&grad e=K-2&x=0&y=0&mhttp:// rch?keywords=government&rating=3&grad e=K-2&x=0&y=0&m
Government Websites
Government Activities Have children identify authority figures in the community and describe why they are important. Give children a map of community and have them locate government buildings. Let the children write a story on a government figure/community helper (mayor, senator, trustee) on what they do for the community.
Government Activities Have students be active community helpers by holding a class election. They will elect positions for classroom duties. This relates to election community helpers/government officials. As a class have children make a chart comparing local government officials to national government official.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Websites t/community/ t/community/ p.htmlhttp:// p.html izenship.asphttp:// izenship.asp
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities Tell us about something you have done in your community that makes you proud of your self. What do you want to be when you are older? Why do you want to be this. (4 square writing) Worksheet on Cause and Effect. What happens when you participate in an activity that is not right.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities Police safety week: Learning to respect authority. Making badges and setting “leaders” in the classroom. What it takes to become a good citizen. Watch a video on Citizenship and discuss what happened during the video. Be a detective: interview family, friends, and parents. From these clues find out what they disappear to do all day long.
Social Studies Skills and Methods Websites 2/neighborhood/index.html 2/neighborhood/index.html help/junior/social-studies/community help/junior/social-studies/community dies/Quilt/html/quilt2.htmlhttp:// dies/Quilt/html/quilt2.html
Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities Have students research a community helper from the scholastic website. Have students write letters to their community helper asking them questions about their job. Have students make posters to use in their presentations.
Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities Have students present information on their community helpers job to the class. Have the students write a story about a day in the life of a community helper.