Chemistry Lesson 10.1 “The Mole”
I. Measuring Matter A. 3 ways… 1. counting (#’s) 2. mass (gram, pound…) 3. volume (liter, gallon…) B. Units of measurement… 1. pair = 2. dozen = 3. ream = 2 12 500
I. What is a mole? A. Def – the S.I. unit that measures an amount or quantity. 1. similar to others: dozen, ream, bakers dozen, gross, hour, day… B. 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 particles 1. called Avogadro’s number 2. Usually refers to atoms, molecules, or formula units (Fe, H2O, CaCl2)
C. Why such a big number? 1. Atoms are microscopic 2. 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 3. We need to be precise in chemistry
D. Problems 1. How many moles of iron do you have with 2.41 x 1024 atoms? = 4.00 moles of iron 2. I have 3.3 x 1022 formula units of NaCl. How many moles is this? =0.055 moles of NaCl 3. I have 9.76 x 1025 molecules of N2. How many moles is this? =162 moles
4. How many molecules are in 2.12 mol of propane (C3H8)? 2.12 mol x (6.02 x 1023) propane molecules 1 1 mol =1.28 x 1024 propane molecules 5. How many atoms of propane are found in 1.28 x 1024 molecules of propane? 1.28 x 1024 molecules x 11 atoms 1 1 molecule (C3H2) =1.41 x 1025 atoms
7. With a partner create a question similar to others used today and answer it. Then write the same question down and trade it with another group. Grade it when they are done.
Assignment 7.1 How many atoms are in 4.10 mol of C6H12O6? How many molecules are in 0.750 mol of H2O? How many C atoms are in 0.890 mol of C6H12O6? How many H atoms are in 1.23 mol of C6H12O6? How many mol are found in 6.02 x 1027 molecules of H2O? 5.92 x 1025 atoms 4.52 x 1023 molecules 3.21 x 1024 Carbon atoms 8.89 x 1024 Hydrogen atoms 1.00 x 104 mol of water
II. How much does a mole weigh? A. Gram atomic mass (single elements) 1. Def – how much 1 mole of an element weighs in grams. 2. Ex: Carbon = 3. Others: P = K = Ag = Fe = Ar = Li = 12.01 g 30.97 39.10 107.87 55.85 39.95 6.94
B. Gram Molecular Mass 1. Def – the mass of one mole of a molecular compound. 2. Use atomic values and add together = GMM 3. Ex: SO3 S = 32.06 O = 16.00 (3) 32.06 + 48.00 = 80.06 g
4. Examples PO4 C8H18 H2O SO4 PCl3 N2O5 94.97 114.26 18.02 96.06 137.32 108.02
C. Gram Formula Mass 1. Def – the mass of one mole of an ionic compound. 2. Just like GMM 3. Ex: NaCl Na = 22.99 Cl = 35.45 22.99 + 35.45 = 58.44
4. Examples CaI2 Na3PO4 Li3N AlCl3 Fe2O3 Al(OH)3 293.88 163.94 34.83 133.33 159.70 78.01
Assignment: Read 10.2 for Thursday.