Welcome! Thank you for taking part in your child’s educational journey. 4 th Grade Teachers Jackie Van Epps (Room 20) Tammy Zappin (Room 21) Kylie Benedetti (Room 22)
CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE If children live with criticism, They learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, They learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, They learn to be shy. If children live with shame, They learn to feel guilty. If children live with tolerance, They learn to be patient. If children live with encouragement, They learn confidence. If children live with praise, They learn to appreciate. If children live with fairness, They learn justice. If children live with security, They learn to have faith. If children live with approval, They learn to like themselves. If children live with acceptance and friendship, They learn to find love in the world.
Curriculum Connected to Arizona Academic Standards Learning objectives are posted daily for students to view Four quarters of learning are taught in only three quarters. Fourth graders take AIMS. Throughout the day we will include: Whole group instruction, small group instruction, activities and games, hands on lessons, independent practice and assessment.
Math Multiplication Division Problem solving Geometry and Measurement Fractions, decimals, and percents Graphing Probability Estimation Algebraic Concepts
Writing Prewriting Drafting EditingRevising Publishing Reflecting We will utilize the writing process which includes the following stages: Writing will be incorporated throughout all academic areas as well as focused on separately.
6+1 Writing Traits Writing will be scored using a 6+1 Traits rubric. +1 = Presenting Students will also continue to improve or learn cursive!
Reading Reading EVERY STUDENT IS REQUIRED TO READ AT LEAST 20 MINUTES A NIGHT! New story every two weeks from the Harcourt Trophies series or Core Knowledge Weekly assessments Monthly reading log with parent initials each week required Small group instruction
Science Here are a few of the topics we will be covering this year: Human Body Systems Understanding Resources Electricity Energy and Magnetism Changes to Earth’s Surface The Water Cycle Science Fair Technology, Innovations, and Scientists Scientific Method
Social Studies Here are the topics we will be learning this year: Mapping and World History Arizona History Economics Current Events and Timelines Government Real World Connections
Homework Homework packets and additional homework may be added daily to reinforce a concept. Monthly reading log to be signed and turned in at the end of each month. Reflections are done every other Friday. Newsletters sent home every Friday. Homework reinforces what we are currently learning in class.
Grading Guidelines Students receive letter grades in reading, writing, science, social studies and math. Progress reports sent home every 4 ½ weeks. Report cards issued every 9 weeks. We also assess using student created rubrics
Responsive Classroom Builds vocabulary and communication skills Daily Morning Meeting builds community Logical Consequences Apology of Action Time Away/Buddy Room/Break-Out Room
Specials Please have students wear sneakers on P.E. days. Specials are listed on the weekly newletters and the website.
Thank you for coming to our Open House!