Abraham & Isaac Genesis 22
Read Genesis 22:1-19 Look for Jesus Christ as you read List any similarities to Christ’s life you can find HINTS The name Abram 22:2 22:4 22:5 22:6 22:7 22:8 22:9 22:10 22:11 22:12 22:13 22:17 22:18 Hebrews 11:17-19
“Abraham [was] obedient unto the commands of God in offering up his son Isaac, which is a similitude of God and his Only Begotten Son” Jacob 4:5 Abram means “Exalted Father” Isaac had a miraculous birth Isaac was called “only son” The sacrifice was to occur on Mt. Moriah Isaac saved from death on “the third day” Servants were told to stay behind Isaac carried the wood for his sacrifice Isaac questioned his father “God will provide him a lamb” Isaac had power to save himself Isaac was bound An angel was sent to save Isaac Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son A lamb was offered “I will multiply thy seed as the stars” “In thy seed all nations of the earth be blessed” The expectation was resurrection The name Abram Gen 21:2 22:2,12 22:2 22:4 22:5 22:6 22:7 22:8 22:9 22:11 22:12 22:13 22:17 22:18 Hebrews 11:17-19 Heavenly Father is our Exalted Father Christ’s birth was miraculous Christ is “Only Begotten Son” Golgotha is on Mt. Moriah Christ conquered death on the third day Apostles stayed behind at Gethsemane Christ carried his cross Christ questioned His Father God provided Christ as the Lamb Christ had power to save Himself Christ was bound An angel was sent to strengthen Christ Heavenly Father was willing to sacrifice His Son Christ was the Lamb that was offered The Atonement multiplies Christ’s seed All nations blessed because of Christ Christ was resurrected
Question from the learning assessment What can Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac teach us about Heavenly Father? a. He always protects His children from harm b. He willingly sacrificed His Only Begotten Son for us c. He has never had to make a sacrifice
Akedah (the binding) [12:54] As you watch this, pay attention to any insights and feelings you have about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
In your journal Record your insights and feelings about: The sacrifice of Jesus Christ The faithfulness of our Heavenly Father
Abraham & Isaac Genesis 22