BPC is the nation’s first renewable fuels power generation company TREIA Presentation Texas Energy Independence Week March 5, 2009
1 Corporation Formation History Former spin-off of Texoga Technologies defense company Current Power Production Commissioned 5 MegaWatt Oak Ridge North, TX reciprocating diesel biofuels powered electricity into ERCOT Grid in February of 2007 Commissioned 10 MegaWatt Conroe, TX combustion turbine biofuels powered electricity into FERC Grid in February of 2008 New Projects Financing will add 50 MegaWatts of Steam Cogeneration biofuels and syngas power to 500MW grid connection at H.O. Clarke new site. Humble Biomass Power Project will burn wood waste from Hurricane Ike and sequester exhaust into old oil wells Summary
2 Company Revenue Sources Sell power to ERCOT Grid Sell power to Entergy Grid Carbon Capture Sequestration (CCS) [zero emissions project] Engineering Consulting Revenue to AEC sub (Design, Build, Operate Biofuel and Renewable Energy Plants) Energy Credits (Renewable Energy Credits and Other Sources)
3 Three Primary BioPower Templates Reciprocating Generators 5–10 MW for business parks (ASTM fuel) Turbine Generation MW for military bases using lesser grade biodiesel blends Steam Cogeneration MW for base load power plants and petrochemical applications using waste oils, byproducts and biomass)
4 Reciprocating Generators Oak Ridge North Power Plant with 3 Caterpillar 1.6 MW 3516 Biodiesel Generators
5 5 MW Model (Oak Ridge North) Reciprocating diesel engines are perfect for business parks and municipal projects. Price will range from $3.2 MM to $5.5 MM depending on new vs. used equipment
6 Turbine Generators Woodlands Area Renewable Power Plant with 10 MW G.E. Frame 5 Turbine
7 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) 10 Megawatts Using Waste Heat from Frame 5
8 30 MMGY Biodiesel Plant This size biodiesel plant allows for multi- feedstock use and ease of logistics. The price is approx. $22 Million complete
9 Steam Cogeneration H.O. Clarke Acquisition with 500 MW Centerpoint Grid Connection
Summary 1st-In-Nation Biodiesel Power H.O. Clarke World’s Largest URBAN RENEWABLE POWER PROJECT Agricultural and Petroleum Fuels and Renewable Power Experience Power in Texas — ERCOT Deregulated Free Market Grid “SHOVEL READY PROJECTS” Expansion with Modular Power Plants and Multiple Feedstock Biodiesel Facilities Offered Through AEC Subsidiary Market Timing, Government Support, Customer Demand, Drivers Converging Goal: World’s Largest Biofueled Power Producer and Plant Developer 10