Social Studies and Diverse Learners
Looking Ahead How does social studies lend itself to being a diverse subject? What are the various learning styles that a teacher may encounter? What does it mean to be a culturally responsive teacher? What teaching techniques can be utilized when teaching ELLs or Exceptional Education Students?
Can You? Identify Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences? Describe the common characteristics of a cultural responsive teacher? Identify the ideals of multicultural education?
Do You? Understand what it means to be a culturally responsive teacher? Know how to adapt instruction to meet the needs of English Language Learners? Know two strategies to accommodate instruction for exceptional education students?
Focus Activity Do you know how you learn best? If so move to option one, if not move to option two. Option One: How do you learn best? When did you become aware of how you learn best? Option Two: Try and discover how you learn best by thinking of things you have learned and how you have gone about learning the information. For example, maybe you remember making flash cards for a test that you aced. Maybe you remember building a birdhouse that helped you understand measurement. Spend time reflecting about how you learn. Once you realize how you learn, it will make learning more meaningful, enjoyable, and efficient. Share your experience with classmates.
Multiple Intelligences What are Gardner’s eight intelligences? 1. Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") 3. Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") 4. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") 5. Musical intelligence ("music smart") 6. Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") 7. Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") 8. Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
Multicultural Directions in Social Studies What are the ideals of multicultural education? Students having equal chances of achievement Being prepared to live and work in an increasingly intercultural society Facilitating learning for every individual student Actively involved in ending oppression and prejudice Changing society and eliminating oppression and injustice. The goal of multicultural education is to effect social change.
Multicultural Directions in Social Studies What are some common characteristics of culturally responsive teaching? 1. Positive perspectives on parents and families 2. Communication of high expectations 3. Learning within the context of culture 4. Student-centered instruction 5. Culturally mediated instruction 6. Reshaping the curriculum 7. Teacher as facilitator
Social Studies and English Language Learners (ELLs) What are some realities of teaching ELLs? How can you communicate with ELLs? How can you manage a classroom with ELLS? How can you increase social interaction with ELLs? How can you embrace the culture of ELLs? How can you deliver content to ELLS?
Social Studies and Exceptional Education Students What difficulties can a student labeled “exceptional” have? Reading Adaptations? Writing Adaptations? Graphic Organizers?
Looking Back Social studies is as diverse a subject as the learning styles or the cultural make-up, spoken language/s, and/or exceptionalities in your classroom. Equip yourself with the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to effectively teach and accommodate instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of all students.
Extension Winter break has just concluded and you greet your students, who shower you with sweet and heartfelt comments about how they missed you. As you are about to greet the last student you realize that you do not recognize her. You say “hi” and ask her “where are you supposed to be?” She does not answer. Just then, the guidance counselor, comes from around the corner and explains that you have a new student who just moved here from Brazil, named Carlota.
Extension Imagine Carlota’s in your class, how will you accommodate your social studies content and instruction to meet her learning needs? Select a social studies topic and grade level. Then, develop an engaging lesson plan that includes accommodations to meet the needs of all students, including Carlota. Share your lesson plan and accommodations with classmates.
Self-Test 1. List and explain Howard Gardner’s eight multiple intelligences? 2. Describe the common characteristics of a cultural responsive teacher? 3. Identify and explain the ideals of multicultural education?
Self-Test 4. Describe two strategies you could use to accommodate instruction for exceptional education students? 5. How can you adapt instruction to meet the needs of English Language Learners? 6. What does it mean to a cultural responsive teacher?
Resources Council for Exceptional Children - National Council for the Social Studies (1992). Guidelines on Multicultural Education. Social Education, 56(4), Teaching Tolerance - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages -