Kick Off Meeting : Partnership No: 8 Developing a Cluster of Metal Manufacturers to meet the needs of the electro-energy sector in the Western Balkans
Partners Western Europe Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UK Oviedo Chamber of Commerce, Spain
Partners Western Balkans The Economy Chamber of Zenica Doboj Canton, Bosnia & Herzegovina Regional Chamber of Economy Nis, Sisak County Chamber, Croatia
Metal Manufacturing in the Western Balkans Zenica-Doboj Canton Major industry is electric energy, metallurgy, and metal production. One of 2 thermo power stations in Bosnia & Herzegovina Biggest steel factory in the Balkans – 2 million tonnes of steel 3 Coal mines – 2 million tonnes of coal Needs of investments of these sectors are very big, because of antiquated equipment for production and lack of sofisticated mechanisation, which in the most cases import (from abroad). Sisak-Moslavina County Iron and steel manufacture, metal work and construction Power plant Faculty of Metallurgy at Sisak Nis Most developed industrial center in south-east Serbia Metal, electro-energy, and tobacco are major industries There is also a principal university that comprises 17 faculties Sector Background
This project will focus on working with metal manufacturers and processors supplying, or with the capability of supplying, the electro-energy sector. Improvements in efficiency and capability (and therefore cost) will naturally translate into supply chains for other market sectors such as construction and automotive. Sector Focus
This project will ensure that a Cluster of businesses in the metal industries is developed that creates a favourable environment and acts as a focus for attracting Foreign Direct Investment Project Objective
To identify a Balkan supply chain cluster for the electrical power generation industry in the region which has to be modernised by targeted investment in innovation and modern manufacturing techniques Focus is on creating the environment for FDI, not the investment itself Time and Finance limited Identified best practice and knowledge transfer To review exemplar models To encourage cross border co-operation Project Activities
Inception Visit Held in November in Zenica Meeting with all parties Meeting with a Governmental Minister Set project aims and objectives Cluster Business identification All parties will identify suitable businesses for inclusion within the Cluster project Project Activities
Opening ceremony and first workshop To be held in Nis, in January Public authorities invited Cluster businesses invited Analysis of current position, strengths, weaknesses and objective position Second workshop To be held in Zenica in May Co-ordinated diary with a large Metal industry fair being held in Zenica “Fringe” event to the fair focussing on environmental best practice and green issues Identifying how the cluster can become an exemplar model Governmental involvement Project Activities
Study visit to Western Europe To be held in June Visit to Oviedo in Spain, and Sheffield in the UK Visits to existing large metal businesses Meetings with public authorities Attendance as VIP guests at the Sheffield International Economic Summit Study tours of the Advanced Manufacturing Park, Special Metals Forum, and the National Metals Centre Third workshop To be held in Sisak in September Reviewing the study visit Developing implementation opportunities and plans for businesses Project Activities
10 delegates from business support organisations attending the workshops Focussed marketing material promoting metal manufacturing industries in the Western Balkans A website showcasing the activities and results of this project A process of lobbying regional public authorities for improvements in infrastructure Businesses included within the Cluster developing action plans for future development opportunities A further project proposal for structural funds will be developed to further encourage FDI. Expected Results
Visibility actions: Website will be developed to promote the Western Balkans Metal Cluster project Press releases / conference after every activity EU funding publicity requirements adhered to Politicians and public authorities to be involved at all stages Publicity material developed and distributed to the wider Chamber movement and businesses within those Chambers Other activities
Visibility actions: Other activities
Local Authority / Investment Agency involvement: Ensuring involvement from local authorities and investment promotion agencies is key to ensuring the success of this project Meetings have already been held with Bosnian Government Minister Local Authorities will be invited to all workshops Opportunities to develop constructive lobbying and representation relationships will be actively sought Other activities
Cluster activities after Project completion Companies to continue being members of the Cluster, because of the benefits they recognize during the projects Cluster to become self-sustainable through membership fees. Cluster will coordinate overall visibility of market opportunities, communicate them to the members, and help to attract FDI. Leverage lessons learnt into supply chains into other market sectors (aerospace, automotive, construction).