Third Edition Chapter 3: Greek Civilization
Greek Civilization I.Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. II.The Greek Encounter with the Persian Empire III.The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E.
Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. A.Writing and Poetry During the Archaic Age 1)Phoenician alphabet a)Homer – “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”
Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. B.Political Developments During the Archaic Age 1)The Olympic Games and Greek Unity a)Olympia, 776 B.C.E.-217 C.E.
Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. B.Political Developments During the Archaic Age 2)Colonization and the Settlement of New Lands a)Corinth b)Megara c)Sicily d)Cyprus e)Crete – metropoleis and coinage
Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. B.Political Developments During the Archaic Age 3)The Hoplite Revolution a)Hoplites b)Phalanx 4)The Rise of the Tyrants a)Bacchiads
Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. C.Contrasting Societies of the Archaic Age 1)Oligarchy 2)Democracy 3)Sparta: A Militarized Society a)Gerousia, Damos, Helots
Greece Rebuilds, B.C.E. C.Contrasting Societies of the Archaic Age 4)Athens: Toward Democracy a)Attica b)Solon, B.C.E. -Archon -Thetes -Boule c)Peisistratus, B.C.E. d)Cleisthenes
The Greek Encounter with Persia A.Cyrus the Great and Persian Expansion 1)Cyrus, r B.C.E. 2)Cambyses II, r B.C.E. a)Royal Road 3)Zoroastrianism: An Imperial Religion a)Zoroaster -Avesta -Dualism -Afterlife
The Greek Encounter with Persia B.Persia Under Darius the Great 1)Great King a)Improved roads b)Postal system c)Standardized coinage
The Greek Encounter with Persia (cont'd) C.The Persian Wars, B.C.E. 1)Marathon 2)Themistocles, B.C.E. 3)Xerxes I 4)Leonidas 5)Thermopylae
The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E. A.The Rise and Fall of the Athenian Empire 1)From Defensive Alliance to Empire a)Delian League 2)Democracy in the Age of Pericles a)Pericles, B.C.E. -Generals -Women’s role in society
The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E. A.The Rise and Fall of the Athenian Empire 3)The Peloponnesian War and the Collapseof Athenian Power a)Alcibiades, B.C.E. -Surrender of Athens, 404 B.C.E.
The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E. B.Social and Religious Life in the Classical Age 1)Gender Roles a)Priestesses -Hetairai -Aspasia -“Sacred Band”
The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E. B.Social and Religious Life in the Classical Age 2)Slavery: The Source of Greek Prosperity a)Public slaves b)Private slaves 3)Religion and the Gods a)Religious calendars
The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E. C.Cultural and Intellectual Life in Classical Greece 1)Drama 2)Tragedies a)Aeschylus - Oresteia b)Sophocles – Antigone & Oedipus, the King c)Euripides - The Trojan Women
The Classical Age of Greece, B.C.E. C.Cultural and Intellectual Life in Classical Greece 3)Comedies a)Aristophanes - The Birds 4)Scientific Thought 5)History a)Herodotus, B.C.E. b)Thucydides of Athens