Welcome to Collegiate Prep Kindergarten Where we are laying a solid foundation for personal and academic success! Please be sure to sign in
The Collegiate Prep Kindergarten goals are to produce students who: Are Autonomous Learners –Accept responsibility for learning –Able to work independently and cooperatively –Takes initiative –Organized Are Open to New Experiences –Trusting –Exploratory –Creative Are Problem Solvers –Inquiring –Reasons –Makes and investigates conjectures Have Integrity –Positive self-esteem –Conflict resolution skills –Great character!
Our Kindergarten curriculum is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) 1.English Language Arts and Reading 2.Mathematics 3.Science 4.Social Studies 5.Health Education For a complete listing, please visit TEA’s website Physical Education 7.Art 8.Music 9.Theatre 10.Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Domains for Kindergarten
Our Schedule Our Daily Schedule: 7:30 - 8:30 Arrival/ Specials (MWF=P.E., T/Th=Music or AVID) /Restroom 8:35 - 9:35 Math 9: :38 Language Arts 10: :48 Restroom 10: :19 Lunch 11: :37 Recess 11:45- 12:20 Literacy Centers/Guided Reading 12: :30 Restroom 12:30 - 1:33 Science 1:37 - 2:30 Social Studies/ Writer’s Workshop 2:30 -2:55 Restroom/Snack/Daily Review 3:00 Dismissal
Breakfast, Lunch, & Snack Times During these times we are learning to use manners, good health habits, and clean up after ourselves. Breakfast Time: 7:00 AM – 7:25 AM (Free to all students) Lunch Time: 10:49 – 11:19 AM Healthy Snack ( brought from home ): 2:30 PM. (Please do not send drinks other than water) Please Note: Please keep money on your child’s lunch account unless you have received notification from CHISD Child & Nutrition Services that you qualify for free lunch this school year. Full pay lunch is $2.70.
Teacher Directed Instruction –Large Group & Small Group Instruction –Guided Reading –Music & Movement –Shared Reading –Shared Writing Student Exploratory Learning Centers –Word Work Center –ABC Center –Writing Center –Library & Listening Center –Construction Center –Math and Science Inquiry Centers –Creativity Center –Computer Center Our day is balanced between teacher directed instruction and student exploratory learning centers.
Our Curriculum Language Arts: Reading Street Kindergarten Math: Pearson Envision Math Science: Pearson Science Social Studies: Teacher written following TRS/C-SCOPE Guidelines
Kindergarten Homework Homework Calendar –Language Arts Practice (letters, sight words, Phonemic Awareness Skills, writing, etc.) –Math Practice –Additional practice pages as needed Flipped Instruction –Links to teacher made videos, educational games, & /or educational websites to enrich student’s learning Monthly Reading Logs –Students are expected to read or be read to for 15 minutes daily. Monthly Family Projects
Young Chefs Our Kindergarten children will learn and practice many math, science, social, and literacy skills through the art of cooking and preparing meals. We will begin our Young Chefs program the second six weeks. This is a great opportunity to volunteer in the classroom by assisting our young chefs or by sending needed food items. We are asking every child to pay $5.00 towards this project. A note will be sent home soon with more details. Thank you in advance for your support!
Thank you for coming ! Please remember to: –Sign In –Sign up to Volunteer for Special Events Thank you for partnering with us as we help our Kindergarten children lay a solid foundation for academic and personal success. This is going to be a GREAT YEAR!!!