Health and Wellness Sponsorship Heart Month – Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Diabetes Awareness Month
Heart Month Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans today according to the American Heart Association.’s Heart Health Section corresponds with National Heart Month providing an interactive, educational look at the disease. The Heart Health section includes an interactive “Tour of the Heart,” taking viewers through the body, explaining how cholesterol forms and how hypertension and arrhythmia affect the body. A heart disease risk calculator, articles and recent studies, blood pressure guides, and cholesterol fact sheet round out this highly informative section. Package Dates: February 1 – 28, 2004
Breast Cancer Awareness Month A disease that will include 211,000 new cases in 2003 alone, breast cancer is an often treatable disease whose worst enemy is early detection. This section is an information packed resource for those affected by breast cancer personally or through friends and family.’s Breast Cancer Awareness section, corresponding with Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, includes an interactive 3-D animation of the stages of breast cancer as well as surveys, quizzes, e-cards, and educational articles on the latest developments in breast cancer research. Package Dates: October 1 – 31, 2004
Diabetes Awareness Month Approximately 17 million Americans have diabetes. Unfortunately, of this number, 5.9 million (over one-third) are unaware that they have the potentially deadly disease.’s Diabetes Resource Center is dedicated to information and education for those who have the disease, those who don’t know, persons at risk, and friends and loved ones affected by diabetes. An interactive risk assessment allows viewers to enter information and calculate their risk of diabetes. The site also includes surveys, quizzes, e-cards, along with the latest articles and resources on the developments in diabetes treatments. Package Dates: November 1 – 31, 2004
Heart Month Package Dates: February 1 – 28, 2004 – Fixed Skyscraper and rotating Banner and Display ads throughout the Heart Month section. – Bookend sponsorship of Heart Month content feature located on the Health Channel. – 150k Banner, Display and Skyscraper ad impressions rotating throughout Breast Cancer Awareness Month Package Dates: October 1 – 31, 2004 – Fixed Skyscraper and rotating Banner and Display ads throughout the Breast Cancer Awareness Month section. – Bookend sponsorship of Breast Cancer Awareness Month content feature located on the Health Channel. – 150k Banner, Display and Skyscraper ad impressions rotating throughout Diabetes Awareness Month Package Dates: November 1 – 31, 2004 – Fixed Skyscraper and rotating Banner and Display ads throughout the Diabetes Awareness Month section. – Bookend sponsorship of Diabetes Awareness Month content feature located on the Health Channel. – 150k Banner, Display and Skyscraper ad impressions rotating throughout Production of all Online Ad elements are included. Health and Wellness Package Summary