SCHOOL LIBRARY ACCESS MINI-GRANTS Idaho Commission for Libraries August 2015 Contact for More Info: Stephanie Bailey-White Idaho Commission for Libraries 325 W State St. / Boise, ID (208)
GOALS OF GRANT This grant program has three primary goals: Increase the amount of reading done in homes of children in developmental preschool programs, kindergarten, and first grade. Increase access to age-appropriate quality nonfiction and fiction titles in elementary school libraries. Increase the number of children reading on grade level.
GRANT REQUIREMENT HIGHLIGHTS All kindergarten & first grade students will be allowed to check out more than one book per week starting in their first semester of school. If your school has a developmental preschool program on school grounds, all children enrolled in that program will be allowed to check out more than one book a week starting in their first semester of school. All grant funds will be spent on age-appropriate books for pre-K, Kindergarten or 1 st grade students. Funds can be spent on fiction or nonfiction books, but at least 40 percent of the funds must be spent on nonfiction books.
GRANT REQUIREMENT HIGHLIGHTS AR tests are not an allowable purchase with these grant funds. Up to 5% of the grant award can be spent on book processing supplies. Grantee will complete both an interim grant report (due January 18, 2016) and a final grant report (due April 18, 2016). SEE COMPLETE GRANT REQUIREMENTS ON PG. 2 OF YOUR GRANT AGREEMENT!
INTERIM REPORT HIGHLIGHTS (Read Full Doc) How many books per week were kindergarteners allowed to check out from your library to take home during the Fall 2015 semester? (Same question for first graders and any developmental preschoolers you are serving). Please describe any challenges or feedback you’ve received as a result of checking out books for children to take home this semester. What has been the biggest success in your project so far: How many books have you purchased with grant funds so far? What percentage were age-appropriate nonfiction books? Did you help organize an Idaho Family Reading Week event at your school this November? List of book titles purchased thus far (copy of order summary or packing slip)
FINAL REPORT – HIGHLIGHTS (READ FULL DOC) Most of the questions from Interim Report, plus these…. How many books per week were kindergarteners allowed to check out from your library to take home during the Spring 2016 semester? (Same question for first graders and any developmental preschoolers you are serving). Are you partnering with your local public library to promote summer reading programs? If available, list your circulation stats by grade level (pre-K, K & 1) and compare these stats to last school year. Describe any challenges ordering book titles utilizing grant funds. Attach a final account summary of all grant expenditures. Fiscal Questions? Contact ICfL Grants Officer, Kristina Taylor, at !
GRANT MANAGEMENT TIPS: Keep a copy of your grant agreement document and be sure to read it! Place grant report deadlines on your calendar; know what’s expected in the reports before they are due! Establish a contact at your school district office to work with you on fiscal side. Start working on grant as soon as possible – don’t wait! Bookmark this url: - use it! Whenever in doubt, ask questions! ICfL staff is ready to assist. READ COMPLETE HANDOUT ON “GRANT MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES” – more info on this sheet.
OTHER THINGS TO THINK ABOUT Interest level vs. reading level What we do not want to see on your title list Vendors and processing fees: There is a 5% limit on grant funds being spent on processing/ labeling fees. Also, not all vendors are created equal. Need to spend a little over the grant amount. Aim to spend all your funds in the first semester. You don’t have to wait until your new books are entered into your system to implement your new check-out policy. Good for pre-K, K and 1 st graders to “practice” with older books anyway! Q & A
TIMELINE/DEADLINE OVERVIEW September 15 th - Signed Grant Agreements due to ICfL office September 16 th – All grant funds disbursed to school districts (unless no signed grant agreement – then funds to this school will be delayed) First Semester – Aim to spend all your funds in 1 st semester; Implement new check-out policy (with any books); Work with staff and educate parents. January 18 th – Completed Interim Grant Report due at ICfL offices by this day – reporting on financial (to date) and narrative questions Second Semester – Build reports that can be used in Final Report to compare circulation stats (if possible with your systems) March 18 th – Best Practice: Have all your grant funds “obligated” by this day so that all funds will be “spent” or “paid” before April 18 th. April 18 th – Completed Interim Grant Report due at ICfL offices by this day – reporting on financial (to date) and narrative questions
TIPS FROM PAST GRANTEES A very strong theme emerged of children and teachers being excited about the new books. Nonfiction was specifically mentioned as being highly popular by schools. Children learning about the library and all the books it has to offer. Teachers and librarians have been pleasantly surprised at the lack of damage and lost books. They have also been pleasantly surprised that the children are returning the books on time.
WHAT WORKED IN WEISER PROCESS FOR BOOK SELECTIONS: Teacher Requests Core Curriculum Needs Math Language Science Social Studies Student Requests Bilingual/Cultural Books Wish List
Taft Elementary
BACK TO THE #1 GOAL OF THE PROGRAM Need to go beyond checking out books to achieve this goal … Increase the amount of reading done in homes of children in developmental preschool programs, kindergarten, and first grade.