KEA: Kindergarten Early Assessment Deb Nicodemo – notes taken from presentations from SST-9 and ODE
What is EC-CAS? Formative Assessment (ages months) Kindergarten Entry Assessment (66–72 months) Professional Development Data-capture and reporting system
KEA – Data Collection will be used to: Inform prior early learning and development stakeholders. Identify individual children’s needs and provide necessary supports to children and teachers. Assist teachers in data-driven instructional decision- making at the child and classroom level. Provide families with information about their children’s learning and development.
Technology Use in KEA Online Reporting System (ORS) Virtual Performance Assessment (VPA) Data import, export and reporting tools Online Professional Development Skills – drag and drop
Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) Domains Social Foundations (SF) Language and Literacy (LL) Mathematics (MA) Science (SC) Social Studies (SS) Physical Well-Being and Motor Development (PD)
Administration Formats Direct Performance Method (Individual Administration) 1. Selected Response (SR) * A question with 3 items and only one correct answer.
Single Item – Selected Response
Administration Formats Performance Tasks (Individual Administration) 1. an activity/action completed by the student and scored based on the quality or degree of accuracy of the performance. * May have multiple tasks to show proficiency
Single Item – Performance Task
Administration Formats Observation Method (Individual and/or group administration) 1. description of specific behaviors along a developmental continuum setting and scored based on the quality of a child’s response/behavior.
PD Delivery Train the trainer model Web-based learning modules Virtual simulator for validation Online coaching and technical assistance Professional community of practice Web-based resources and portal
Simulator Teachers practice administering and assessing students via video, photos and informational text. Teachers have to complete and submit their answers to the simulator exercises and attain a certain level of competency before they can administer the test.(currently field test)
PD Timeline KEA Teacher Trainings April-June, August 2014 Repeated annually
Ensuring Test Security
Fall Administration of KEA KEA is not to be administered before the start of school. Window to assess students is from 1 st day of school to November 1 st.
Fall Administration of KEA If a district wants to use the KEA to assess students for Third Grade Guarantee, the Language and Literacy Domains can be administered first and scores submitted by the Sept. 30 th deadline. It is estimated that is will take approximately one hour per child to administer all the domains of the KEA.