Title of STEM career By Your Name here Period number
What is your career-why you chose your career Teaching is ……… I chose to go into teaching because…….
Education needed Biology (BIOL) 210, 211 Chemistry (CHEM) 150, 201, 201L, 202, 202L, 250 Mathematics* (MATH) 160 Physics (PHYS) 101, 102 or PHYS 205, 206 *Students lacking the prerequisite for MATH 160 should consult an academic advisor as soon as possible to determine which prerequisite math courses they need to complete before enrolling in MATH 160. All students are required to complete the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) requirement within one year of beginning coursework at Cal State San Marcos. Teacher Preparation Cal State San Marcos offers several state-approved Subject Matter Preparation Programs. Comple tion of a Subject Matter Preparation Program is one way to demonstrate the subject matter competency necessary for admission to a Teacher Credential Program. Single Subject Matter Preparation Programs for potential junior high school and high school teachers are available in English, Mathematics, Social Science and Spanish. Students seeking to become elementary or middle school teachers may complete the Multiple Subject Preparation Program with a Liberal Studies major, by completing special tracks in the Human Development major and the Visual and Performing Arts major, or through some other major by combining specific Multiple Subject requirements with major requirements.
Classes Astronomy ASTR Anthropology Minor ANTH Biological Sciences BIOL Minor, BS MS Chemistry CHEM Minor, BS Communication COMM Minor, BA Computer Science CS Minor, BS MS Criminology and Criminal Justice See Note 1 Minor Dance DNCE See Note 4 Economics ECON Minor, BA Earth Science ES Ethnic Studies See Note 5 Film Studies FMST Minor Foreign Languages FLAN French FREN Minor General Education See Note 2 Geography GEOG German GRMN History HIST Minor, BA Human Development HD BA Humanities HUM Interdisciplinary Studies ID Japanese JAPN Liberal Studies LBST BA Linguistics LING
Jobs-Jobs-Jobs Where will you work once you are done with your degree? What will people in your career make in the way of a salary? How many hours do you work?
Salary Salary graph
More information What do we need to know about this career
For group projects If you worked on this project as a group this slide is dedicated to each group members name and the role they played in putting this information together-each person’s job must be listed.
References Be sure to follow the plagiarism ppt when adding your references into your ppt as well as when you list them here