The Care and Feeding of A Teen Advisory Board Presented by Sarah Kostelecky and Mercedes Encinias Cherry Hills Library, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Library System
Why do we want teens in the library? Equal access should NOT be based on age, teens are underserved They help with collection development They tell their friends about the library, free publicity! Positive library experience now = library supporters in the future Their energy is infectious!
Purpose of a Teen Advisory Board (TAB) What it can be: Insight into teen minds to better serve them A positive image of teens and the library in the community What it wont be A ready-made volunteer workforce A time saver
Where are the teens and how do I get them in the library? Recruit from existing groups Summer Reading Assistants Youth Volunteers Book Groups Local schools
Get the word out! Send meeting reminder s gathered from TAB applications Officers can do phone reminders Flyers in YA area and meeting info on library website
The 1st Teen Advisory Board Meeting or now what do I do with them? Feed your teens if allowed! Icebreakers so all voices are heard Give info to focus discussion Whiteboard for notes
1st Meeting: Laying the Foundation 1.Bylaws Rules that will keep the teens focused Teens know what is expected of them and what they expect from us as advisors Teen input provides ownership of the group
TAB Officers Step by Step 1.Define duties of each office 2.Determine if additional offices are needed i.e. historian, treasurer 3.Election or advisor selection
Choosing Officers: Two Options Election by TAB members Candidates prepare and deliver speeches Secret ballot vote by teens Results tallied by advisor Selection by advisor Teens apply for positions Advisor reviews applications Advisory interviews candidates Selection by advisor
Communication with Officers Provide member contact list to officers Advisor approves presidents agenda Keep president aware of library events where TAB presence is needed
Meeting Management Keep teens on task Offer project guidelines Encourage president to give all members a chance to speak
Theyre off and running, or what our TAB does for our library system Programming, both for teens and others Provide suggestions for teen programming that they would attend Mendhi, Origami, Manga Drawing, Game Night, Movie Night, Juggling Plan and present childrens programming Valentines Day card program, Read Across America, Special Mother Goose Storytime
Programming Raises Teen Profile in Community Public has a positive perception of teens Younger children see them as role models Teens make library seem like a fun place to be
Recurring TAB Programs at Cherry Hills Summer Reading Mystery Night
TAB and the Summer Reading Program TAB Members completely designed a teen summer reading program for whole library system They created a title, a teen drew the logo, designed reading booklets, and how the program would operate T. S. I. Teen Scene Investigators
Summer Reading Continued Prize suggestion Provide catalogs and prize guidelines ie price, size Teen programming suggestions Good pool for summer assistants
What is Mystery Night? TAB plans all aspects of a mystery for middle and high school students They create the characters, write the script, decorate the set and play the parts Mystery complements Summer Reading theme and is used as a kick-off event Past mysteries: Who Kidnapped Harry Potter, Indiana Jones and the Readers of the Lost Book, Mystery Night: The Albuquerque Edition
Troubleshooting Communication problems Administration approval for projects Highlight the positive & the small victories Make sure new members feel welcome
TAB Appreciation and Recognition Certificates Thank you party Promote TAB on flyers and programs
Conclusions Having TAB is time-consuming but worth the effort Teens appreciate having a voice in the library Have fun!