Technology Coordinator Report Brock Sombke
NWEA Testing Successfully prepared East and West computer labs for NWEA Testing.
MCA-II Testing Successfully upgraded all HS library computers to TestNav 6.9, which runs the MCA-II tests.
Staff Webpages During In-Service, teachers were given many ideas on how to use their staff webpages to enhance communication to both students, parents and beyond.
Website Technology Corner Page Holocaust Video
New Codec LCTN installed a new codec for videoconferencing. HD capabilities 50 screen Training on April 22nd
Elem. Staff and I-Movies Provided assistance to Elementary Staff for creating I-Movies in their classrooms. Awesome possible teaching tool and strong motivator! Cheat Sheets On-Site Training
New Teacher PCs 5 New PCs being installed into classrooms. Winter, Donner, Gustafson, McGee, Zondervan InterWrite Board Issues with Emacs Hardware Issues with Emacs
New I-Mac The Music West received new I-Mac, which was funded by the ECFE Dept.
Technology Committee Meeting Meeting with Technology Committee to be scheduled soon to discuss current Technology Plan Review Plan Address areas we are not reaching goals Ideas for the future Ideas for summer Tech Week
Wireless Network/Internet Upgrade LCTN getting estimate from vendors Current roof satellite dish issues Elementaries having frequent issues New setup to have 2 more towers, ridding of relay off of elevators Wireless network simplified More info to come soon from LCTN
Needed Computer Lab Upgrades Elementary Labs have Mac OS X 10.3 Version not supported by NWEA Version not supported by Pearson Access (MCA-II Testing) Applications are no longer working the way they should -- Example: Firefox and I-Movie Replacing labs with PCs is more than likely
Mac Lab in Room 106 Similar position as elementary labs Mac OS X MB RAM -- Big issue
Business Lab PC lab slowing down immensely 4-5 years old, needing upgrade to keep up with technology resources, which is part of Technology Plan Needs Adobe DreamWeaver Needs higher capabilities
Two Ideas for Lab Upgrades Virtual Desktop labs in Elementaries 1 machine can run 6 computer places Lab of 30 computers would cost a little over $10,000, plus software licensing If one computer went down, 6 computer places would be unusable
Cont. Two Ideas for Lab Upgrades Minnesota Computers for Schools $175 per computer $5,250 for full lab of 30 computers Refurbished computers Windows XP installed licensing including free! 80 GB Hard Drive; 1 GB RAM Could get more powerful machines for just a little more
HS Library/Hallway Computer Lab 1 Mac lab needed at HS site Photo and Video Editing Software High Schoolers need that capability
Any Day Technology These issues can come up on any given day… Printer Issues Projector Issues Issues Staff Data Issues (or other server issues) Wireless Internet Issues Network Issues
Philosophy and Goals Students Come First However we can find and afford to get technology that will enhance the students learning is always a priority