Baltic Cooperation Conference Outcome Terje Gjengedal IEEE Norway (On behalf of all Baltic area sections)
Venue Riga, Sept , 2007 Riga, Sept , 2007 Participants from 9 countries Participants from 9 countries –Sweden –Norway –Denmark –Finland –Iceland –Estonia –Lithuania –Poland –Latvia
Financing the meeting: Region 8: 3000 USD Region 8: 3000 USD Industry ( Statkraft of Norway) : 2000 USD Industry ( Statkraft of Norway) : 2000 USD Sections: paid their own travel costs (3000 USD) Sections: paid their own travel costs (3000 USD)
Topics Discussed Experiences and activities Experiences and activities –Presented by each section Focus on Latvia Focus on Latvia –Ending with the creation of a Latvian section –Presentation of SB activities from AAU & ISBIR Industry relations activities Industry relations activities –Discussions on industry needs and best practices –Actions defined IEEE Baltic for the future IEEE Baltic for the future –Formation of action points to be carried out Industrial mathematics workshop Industrial mathematics workshop
Example Innovative solutions to promote IEEE to the youngsters Meet them at their own premises Norway Section sponsored the national 16-year old team winner in Volleyball and the PR outcome was extremely large, being in all national newspapers etc We have to promote IEEE in new ways and think new thoughts.
Actions Investigate foundation for creating joint chapters Investigate foundation for creating joint chapters –Vello Kukk, IEEE Estonia Create IEEE Baltic website with “Baltic calendar” Create IEEE Baltic website with “Baltic calendar” –Ragnar Kåhre, IEEE Sweden Organize best practice seminars on section operation Organize best practice seminars on section operation –Ragnar Kåhre, IEEE Sweden Organize seminars on how to engage industry involvement Organize seminars on how to engage industry involvement –Terje Gjengedal, IEEE Norway
Actions (cont.) Strengthen and coordinate student activities Strengthen and coordinate student activities – by making inventory of active student branches –Joint student meetings and SB conferences etc. Erik Stilling, IEEE Denmark Erik Stilling, IEEE Denmark Co-ordinate distinguished lecturers visits in Baltic area Co-ordinate distinguished lecturers visits in Baltic area –Tatu Koljonen, IEEE Finland Set up a registry of local prominent lecturers Set up a registry of local prominent lecturers –Tatu Koljonen, IEEE Finland Invite members of other sections to Section events Invite members of other sections to Section events –All
Actions (cont.) Coordinate e-learning activities Coordinate e-learning activities –Vello Kukk, Estonia Help with formation of Latvia section Help with formation of Latvia section Support Latvia section to start activities Support Latvia section to start activities Mentor ’young’ sections in the Baltic area and share practices and experiences Mentor ’young’ sections in the Baltic area and share practices and experiences Have two meetings a year Have two meetings a year - one in conjunction with the R8 meeting -one meeting in a Baltic rim country Focus on strengthening section development and growth of IEEE Focus on strengthening section development and growth of IEEE
Request Reg 8 to fund continuing development of Baltic area cooperation. Reg 8 to fund continuing development of Baltic area cooperation. Need to fund activities amounting to USD in 2008 Need to fund activities amounting to USD in 2008 –R8 to fund 50%: USD6000 –Sections and Industry: USD 6000