Seven Dimensions of Religion
Experiential Have you ever had an experience in which you realized that there was more to life than meets the eye – a sacred moment ? Experiential begins with the religious experiences of the individual e.g. the Buddha Theistic – God experienced as a holy presence Non-theistic – mysticism – become one with the divine Faith generally belongs to the category of Religious Experience
Mythic Sources of sacred truth - take the form of sacred stories They do not necessarily conflict with history and science, nor are they necessarily false or irrational Express Sacred Truth
Doctrinal The belief aspect of a religion – creeds, doctrines or teachings of the religion come from experiential come from myths What is the difference between the beliefs of a religion and faith?
Ethical How we are to act while living in the world e.g. the “Golden Rule”
Ritual Worship, taking a variety of forms and occupying much of an individual’s religious life many reenact a sacred story or myth e.g. Hajj Eucharist Seder
Social communal aspect of religion Belonging to a group – such as a tribe, parish or congregation hierarchy of leadership Embodiment of spiritual perfection
Material Sacred architecture structures of worship, art within them, sacred books of scripture sacred entities (mountains, cities, rivers etc.) Golden Temple of Amritsar, India – sacred to Sikhs
Summarizer Identify the examples of the 7 dimensions from the religion with which you are most familiar Experiential - Ritual Mythic - Social Doctrinal - Material Ethical