PHP MYWIKI Brian Casey Eastern Kentucky University
2 OUTLINE Why use a wiki ? Who can benefit?
3 MOTIVATION Create an easier method of documentation Allow for independent issue resolution Save time
4 INTRODUCTION Wikis are an increasingly popular tool for self hosted documentation User access limitation for sensitive information Database driven PHP powered
5 PROBLEM STATEMENT Technical support and server administrators as well as IT departments face a constant assault of potential issues. An internally hosted source with information on previously solved problems would drastically reduce the amount of time spent “googling” for answers if the issue has already been solved and placed in the Wiki.
6 ASSUMPTIONS Existing IT Department Existing Servers powered by IIS, WAMP, or LAMP Knowledgeable Server Administrators Storage space for dynamic databases
7 ASSUMPTIONS Server Licensing is maintained Secure Internal Host Dedicated staff
8 PROPOSED SOLUTION Create a hosted Wiki Prepare Server Download Server Software Install necessary languages and platforms Install Wiki Testing and troubleshooting Verifying results Success!
9 RESULTS Successful creation of Wiki Dynamic User Creation is working Ability to create new pages
11 CONCLUSIONS With a working wiki you can store lots of easily solved problems with simple to follow instructions. Additionally if you find a new, better method of solving a problem you can update the wiki. This project has increased my understanding of database and scripting driven websites greatly.
12 FUTURE WORK This project has expanded my knowledge on PHP and MySQL and as a future security auditor I intend to become more familiar with these potentially dangerous scripting tools. Add an server so the Wiki can send . Suggestions? Thank you for watching! My is
REFERENCES Schneier, B. (2010). Schneier on Security: Privacy and Control. Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 2(1), 2. Anderson, R., & Schneier, B. (2005). Guest Editors’ Introduction: Economics of Information Security. Security & Privacy, IEEE, 3(1), Schneier, B. (2008). The psychology of security. Progress in Cryptology–AFRICACRYPT 2008, Laboratories, R.S.A. (1999). PKCS#5 V2.1: Password Based Cryptography Standard Kurtz, G., & McClure, S., & Scambray, J. Hacking Exposed 6: Network Security Secrets and Solutions. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, eBook. Author Unknown- [addictedtutorials]. (2011, August 13th). PHP - Login/Registration script tutorial | PART 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from Valade, J. (2006). PHP & MySQL for dummies. For Dummies. River City Graphics – [RCGTutorials], (2012, March 23 rd ). -PHP Tutorial: Password Encryption with MD5, SHA1, and Crypt -HD- [Video file], Retrieved from 13
REFERENCES Casey, B. (2013). PHPMyWiki. Retrieved from the CE/CEN Capstone Projects – Spring 2013 Web site: /capstoneProjects_2013.html 14