Kari Mutka IPS peat land strategy meeting Amsterdam The Use of Peat in Europe
A truly European organisation Founded on 1 May member companies in 11 EU Member States wishing to be informed of political decisions that affect their day-to-day business and wanting to influence these political decisions Secretariat in Brussels in the offices of leading Public Affairs consultancy, Burson- Marsteller I. What is EPAGMA?
The Use of Peatlands in the World Total Area 400 mill ha
Peat Usage in the EU by Sector (Total = 64 million m³)
Tilaisuuden nimi Tekijän Nimi Peat production in EU for all usages (Total = 64 million m 3 )
The Use of Peat as Energy Peat as energy is used mainly in Europe the total use in year 2000 was 3,37 Mtoe peat was used in 125 power plants almost 2 million people were heated by peat the share of peat in primary energy consumption varies from 5-7% in Finland and Ireland and to 0,9-1,9% in Sweden and Estonia
Fuel Peat Use in Different Categories, % CHP 44.4 % Condensing power 37.6% District heat 9.5% Residential heat 8.5%
Tilaisuuden nimi Tekijän Nimi Peat versus non peat constituents for the production of professional growing media (Total > 22 million m 3 )
9 Tilaisuuden nimi Tekijän Nimi Peat usage for production of professional growing media by segment (Total = 19 million m 3 )
Other Use of Peat litter for animals biofilters insulating materials balneology whiskey flavor etc.
Fuel Peat Industry in a Nutshell in the EU FinlandIrelandSwedenEstoniaLatviaLithuaniaTotal Fuel peat resources, ktoe Annual peat use, ktoe Number of peat producers Number of machine and boiler manufactures Number of peat-fired power plants Number of people getting heating energy from peat Value of domestic trade, million Euro Value of international trade, million Euro Employment, man-years
Production values of growing media and horticulture Ex works sales of the EU Peat and Growing Media Industry is € Production value of EU horticultural production is €