European foresight networks – building innovation capabilities in Latvia BALTIC DYNAMICS 2007 International Partnership for Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges Dr. Arturs Puga
Our experience: Baltic Dynamics Baltic Dynamics 2007 Foresight is innovation in Latvia To be involved in European and Global Foresight you should act and interact through international Foresight Networks Year Latvian Foresight Network of Specialists and Practitioners (FSPT) is emerging Framing FSPT objectives: From academic approach to entrepreneurial and innovative use of foresight in SME’s
Entrepreneurship, knowledge management and foresight process combined
Towards Latvian Foresight Network: Latvian Council of Science Latvian Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences agreed on the cooperation within the Foresight network of specialists and practitioners 2007 Forward Studies Unit Latvian Technological Center Latvian Academy of Sciences Latvian Union of Scientists Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Banking Institution of Higher Education Riga Technical University University of Latvia
European networks used by Latvian foresight joining the European Foresight area and the global futures community The EC, DG RTD, and Joint Research Centre-IPTS supported initiatives EC, DG Enterprise and Industry, IRE The European Foresight Monitoring Network SCAR Agricultural Foresight COST A22 Shaping Tomorrow Foresight Network, etc.
The foresight (project) organization THE ORGANIZATION Organizations in the world outside The core team A leader STAKEHOLDERS Team memberschampions ExpertspromotersPEOPLE Practitioners Networking and knowledge management KM - ‘a set of systematic and disciplined actions’ in order “to obtain the greatest value from the knowledge available to it’ (see KM definition: Marwick A, 2001)
a role of frameworks ! Networking and knowledge management
In October 2007, a workshop will be held on research challenges and synergy between Latvian foresight specialists (Focus on foresight organization in rural SME’s) How to enable/enhance entrepreneurship, knowledge management and foresight for ‘preferable futures’ (Lisbon and post-Lisbon objectives)?