生物資訊與網路資源 Department of Life Science Institute of Biotechnology National Dong Hwa University David Shiuan 生物資訊與網路資源 Bioinformatics and Web Resources
Bioinformatics (Computational Biology or Information Biology) Computational approaches to answer biological questions 使用電腦來解決生物學的問題 Bioinformatics
Bioformatics covers : 型態、結構、顏色 morphology,color DNA 及 基因體 genomes 蛋白質、碳水化合物等大分子 Biomacromolecules, proteome 生化、生理、遺傳、演化特性 biochemistry, physiology,genetics,evolution etc.
NTHU 清華大學 生物資訊與網路教學卓越計畫
清華大學 生物資訊與網路教學 卓越計畫
Bioinformatics Information can be converted into knowledge Promote human civilization and science achievements Creat knowledge-based economics
Bioinformatics (Computational Biology or Information Biology) Why does it emerge so rapidly ? 1. Explosion of sequence and structural information 2. Advancement of Internet Bioinformatics
The Three Projects Affecting Human Civilization most Menhatten Project 1940s Apollo Project 1965s Human Genome Project
Human Genome Project Unravelling the 3 x 10 9 bp genome Goals 1. Understanding Life Science 2. Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Legal and Ethical Challenges 1. Human rights 2. Health insurance
GOLD (Genomes OnLine Database)
Internet (International Network) ARPAnet (created by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), cold war network Usenet ( the first News Distribution protocol) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol), with routing capability NSFnet (TCP/IP based, connecting university supercomputers, evolved into Inernet today) Commercial links to Internet, and popularization of WWW
Major Tasks of Bioinformatics 1. Establish data base 2. Search/retrieve bioinformations 3. Analysis of bioinformations
From independent works to unified actions 1. Database 2. Data Retrieval 3. Data Analysis
Major Disciplines Algorithm, Graphics, Signal Processing, Statistics, Simulation, Computer Architecture, Database Management, Artificial Intelligence… Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Physical Chemistry, Structural Biology/Physics
Applications Database Construct, Database Query, Genome Mapping and Comparison, Gene Identification and Annotation Sequence Alignment, Molecular Evolution Structure Alignment and Comparison, Structure Prediction, Structure-Based Drug Design, Molecular Modeling and Simulation
Gene Annotation Gene Annotation 定序 DNA Sequencing 組合 Assemble DNA Sequence 確認基因 Gene Identification 功能註解 Gene Annotation 資料庫 GenBank 使用分析 Retrieval and Analysis
NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Established (1988) by US Congress 1. System for storing and analyzing 2. Advancing methods for data retrieval and analysis 3. Facilitation of the use
NCBI NCBI 1. Database : GenBank 2. Database Retrieval Entrez, PubMed, Locus Link, Taxonomy Browser 3. Data Analysis BLAST, Electronic PCR, ORF Finder, UniGene, dbSNP, Human Genome Sequencing, Human MapViewer, Intrer Genomes, Cancer Chromosome Aberration Project (CCAP), Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), Online Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), The Molecular Modeling DataBase (MMDB), and the Conserved Domain Database (CDD).
GenBank Created (1982) by NIGMS/NIH Los Alamos National Lab - annotates & organizes IntelliGenetics (1987-) NCBI (1988-)
Human Genome, Alzheimer disease
Human Genome Map, Presenilin 2 ( Alzheimer disease 4)
NCBI - ORF Finder, M. hyopneumoniae PTSI
NCBI – Structure, MMDB, PTSI
NCBI – Cn3D, PTSI structure
ExPASy - 2 ExPASy - 2 o structure prediction, GOR IV, PTSI
ExPASy – 2 ExPASy – 2 o structure prediction, GOR IV, PTSI
ExPASy – Topology prediction, SOSUI
Web Resources Organization : NCBI/NIH, EBI/EMBL, SIB Database : GenBank, ExPASy, PDB Societies/Agencies : WHO, ASM Universities : NIH, CDC, Pasteur, 國衛院, 高 速電腦中心, 清華, 陽明 Firms : Celera, Human Genome Sciences
Conclusion Tremendous information on the web Promote biological sciences Solving problems and creating new hints/problems Use the information and generate new information