12th of November 2008 MATERA+ Call ERA-NET Plus on Materials Research Preliminary information
12th of November 2008 MATERA+ Call in a Nutshell MATERA+ offers participants – a simplified way to initiate and participate in R&D projects at the European level – an opportunity to easily access international know-how and – an opportunity to integrate into international value chains The Call is open for industry, universities and research centres in 14 countries involved at the moment Planned total funding is 22.5 M€ - National/regional funding commitments 16.5 M€ - 6 M€ top up funding requested from EC More information from the funding agencies participating the Call and the website
12th of November 2008 MATERA+ Participating Countries and Regions MATERA+ Call is planned to be open to industry, universities and research centers in these Countries Regions
12th of November 2008 MATERA+ Funding Agencies 1/2 Belgium/ FlandersThe Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology of Flanders (IWT) Belgium/ WalloniaWalloon Public Service (DGOEER) FinlandThe Academy of Finland (AKA) FinlandFinnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes) IcelandThe Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) IrelandEnterprise Ireland (EI) IsraelMinistry of Science, Culture and Sport (MOST) ItalyMinistry of University and Research (MIUR) LatviaThe Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) LuxembourgThe National Research Fund (FNR) NorwayThe Research Council of Norway (RCN) PolandThe National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)
12th of November 2008 MATERA+ Funding Agencies 2/2 Spain/ BasqueThe Industry, Trade and Tourism Department of the Basque Governement (ITT) Spain/ GaliciaDirecci ó n Xeral de I+D+i. Conseller í a de Innovaci ó n e Industr í a. Xunta de Galicia (DXIDI) Spain/ Madrid Region Fundaci ó n madrimasd para el Conocimiento (fmi+d) SwitzerlandFederal Office for Professonial Education and Technology (OPET) TurkeyThe Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (T Ü BITAK) United KingdomTechnology Strategy Board (TSB) United Kingdom/ Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) Northern Ireland
12th of November 2008 Focus of MATERA+ Call The goals of the Call are – to launch transnational, interdisciplinary, innovative, R&D projects related to materials science and engineering – to narrow the gap between basic materials research and applied problems – to shorten the time-to-market of scientific outcomes The projects must fulfil the criteria of the national/regional programmes involved in the Call
12th of November 2008 Preliminary Thematic Topics of MATERA+ Call Multifunctional materials Engineering structural materials Biomaterials and bio-inspired materials
12th of November 2008 Preliminary MATERA+ Call Deadlines 16th March 2009 Opening of the Call 15th May 2009 Pre-proposal deadline 15th October 2009 Invitation to submit Full Proposal 15th January 2010 Full Proposal deadline March/April 2010 Funding decisions
12th of November 2008 MATERA+ Call Procedure Two stage call procedure – First stage: checking of the national criteria, including relevance and impact where appropriate – Second stage: external evaluation/panel according to EC criteria Funding decisions are made on national/regional level
12th of November 2008 Further Information on MATERA+ MATERA+ contact points of the national and regional funding agencies involved in the Call