Cooperation with Chalmers Ex-jobb and project works
The company was founded in 1999, wholly owned subsidiary of Chalmers Group Responsible for Chalmers Premises and local planning. The main mission is to create attractive, effective and competitive campus Chalmers. Basic figures 2012 Rental income: 510 million Assets: 2,559 million Private property portfolio: 163 sq.m. Leased space: 132 sq.m. Chalmersfastigheter Activities on på campus Chalmers80% 2.Gothenburg university 5% 3.Other14% 4.Unassigned1%
Chalmersfastigheters Environmental Policy Chalmersfastigheter be the frontrunner in the development, construction and management of a sustainable future. Our ambition is to participate in the Chalmers research and education on sustainable development related to our business. Sustainability policy is based on our vision, "Chalmers campus - sustainable community with global appeal." Chalmersfastigheter decisions are based and balanced with regard to ecological, economic and social aspects, without any aspect be compromised at the expense of another. Sustainable development as defined by the Brundtland Commission Final report "Our Common Future (1987),"... meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. "
Johanneberg south Stage 1 A new venue for small and large companies, research, students and the community. A new neighborhood developed with a focus on technology development and innovation in the fields of Civil, Environmental, energy and materials and nanotechnology. The first phase of construction on the south campus Johanneberg in cooperation with Johanneberg Science Park. Johanneberg Southern Leg 1 gets new campus south entrance and connects the campus with Mossens green spaces. In the project, create the conditions for sustainable mobility. The project is covered by blue green travel plan The first tenants expected to move in 2015.
Overall sustainability goals JSE 1 Inspiring collaboration environment The buildings and their surroundings should be designed so that the environment promotes collaboration between industry, research, education and society. Good physical environment The buildings will help to make the area attractive long-term and have a strong identity of its own. The buildings and their surroundings should provide a healthy indoor and outdoor environment. Sustainable technology Buildings must give as little environmental impact as possible throughout life length, from production, in operation, and even demolition. Low energy consumption and climate impact from the operation of buildings is essential. To ensure the high environmental ambitions of the project, the buildings will be certified according to the Swedish certification system Green Building Council, with the ambition of gold.
Suggested areas for ex-jobb/projekt works Climate impact on the production of building materials in the construction phase Environmental impacts such as eutrophication, acidification, ground level ozone, the primary energy divided between renewable and fossil. Climate calculations are carried out together with Skanska Promote cooperation social environments How to promote meetings? How to develop creative environments? How to change the behavior? Recyclability Which recycled materials are on the market? What requirements can be set to a supplier / producer Regarding purchase of recycled materials? How much recycled material is included in the composite products for JSE1? Te x frame, façade, roof, interior walls, finishes, windows, installations. Energy? Ecosystem services Which ecosystem services can be introduced in urban environments? How to compensate for the built-up area? Contact: Mathilda Silva Chalmersfastigheter AB