Chapter 17 Mediterranean Europe
Section 1 - Spain Spain is like a guarded castle - Pyrenees Mt. - block it from the rest of Europe and sea cliffs from the sea Coastal plains and high plateaus form most of Spain - MESETA (plateau) Mediterranean climate - northern coast gets rain but the rest is very dry Southeast Spain - dry semi-arid Sirocco - hot , dry winds from North Africa
Portugal NE - mts. , but slopes toward the Atlantic More rainfall than Spain - farms wheat, corn and barley Olive oil in the south Cork and cork products from the oak trees Use the homework chart to study
Section 2 - Italy Shaped like a boot with the Apennine Mts. (divides the N and S) Seismic activity - earthquakes and volcanic activity Sicily - Mt. Etna Italy - Mt. Vesuvius North - Alps, block westerlies so Italy’s climate is Mediterranean 10% in agriculture, high unemployment in south Member of the EU
Regions of Italy United in 1871 NORTH - called European Italy Po river valley - ag. (wheat and rice) Commercial center (2/3 of all factories) Milan and Turin - major cities Hydroelectric power from Mt. water Genoa - port city Skiing Venice - city of canals
Central Italy Rome - coliseum, Forum Vatican city - headquarters for the Catholic church Bologna - ag. Center Florence - cultural center (Michelangelo) from the Renaissance - Sistine Chapel in Rome Leonardo DaVinci - Last Supper, Mona Lisa
Southern Italy Mezzogiorno - includes Sicily and Sardinia Poor soil, Mediterranean mild, wet winters hot, dry summers Naples - port city , high poverty
Section 3 - Greece Pop. 10 million - Hellenic Republic - named after the Hellenes (small tribe, battled the Romans) Homer - writes about the Trojan wars (Illiad) 1200 bc Mediterranean Europe - EC/NATO (Euro) Almost 2000 Islands - 200 inhabitable North - Dinaric Alps, South - Tectonic forces Grabens - area of land that have dropped down between faults (flooded)
Greece No point in Greece is more than 85 miles from the sea. Piraeus - largest port Crete used to be the center of Greece’s flourishing Bronze Age culture - Minoan culture Tsunami - one theory of how they were destroyed The decline in their population is still being considered
Greece Independence - 1829 from the Ottoman Empire 1974 - Parliamentary Republic Mixed capitilism Dowry - tradition of paying for woman History 1. Persian War / Trojan War 2. Ottoman Empire 3. WWI (neutral, allies) 4. Restore Monarchy 5. WW II (Germany)
Sect. 3 cont.- Greece Greece - Mts. , rocky soil Mount Olympus - highest point in Greece Zeus statue Sterea Hellas - most populated area of Greece, including Athens Acropolis - fortress built a top a hill, built 5th century B.C. Parthenon - monument designed for Athena