Lithuania-Speak similar language to Latvia 8 million total people in all three countries Latvia Estonia-Language related to Finnish
Most Estonians and Latvians are Lutheran Lithuanians mostly Roman Catholic Russians make up most of population of Latvia and Estonia
Location along the sea is important Sometimes it has hurt them due to power struggles between countries around them Part of Soviet Communist block
Under soviet rule life was harsh Strategic location important to Russia Many people forced out by Russia 1991 gained Independence
Ethnic diversity is a challenge Latvians want to limit Russian influence Privatization has gone well in the three Baltic states
Industry is growing in the region Estonia-service industry and mining, ship building and manufacturing Lithuania food processing and manufacturing Latvia produces care, pharmaceuticals and electric equipment
Kiev the capital and has close historical ties to Russia Ukraine has been dominated by various foreign powers: Mongols, Lithuania, and Poland Most Ukrainians are of the Orthodox church
Suffered harshly under Soviet rule Many resisted the Russians
50 million in population- reaffirmed its independence Just smaller than Texas in size Great farming in the region Wheat, barley, rye and potatoes
Difficult at times Large Natural gas and Oil deposits