Karl Marx “Father of Communism” German Socialist The Communist Manifesto (1848)
Principles of Socialism Capitalists control private enterprise (means of production), creating an unacceptable inequality In favor of the equality of outcome (no hunger or poverty) People as a whole should control economic enterprises. Capitalist elite exploit masses
Principles of Marxism Society passes through stages – Pre-modern to industrial Class conflict – Bourgeoisie (Capitalist elite) – Proletariat (working masses) Elite capitalists create a SUPERSTRUCTURE – Institutions to control the masses GOVERNMENT RELIGION
Principles of Marxism Revolution occurs in an industrialized society – Proletariat masses rise up Post-Revolution – No superstructure – No exploitation of worker – No private ownership – “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” Society w/no superstructure (no state institutions or private property)=“Communism”
Russian Revolution, 1917 BOLSHEVIKS overthrew Russian government. BOLSHEVIKS overthrew Russian government. – “Larger Faction” of Social Democratic Party – Actually: the minority – Eventually call themselves “COMMUNISTS” V.I. Lenin: Marxist leader of Bolsheviks V.I. Lenin: Marxist leader of Bolsheviks Rivals killed or sent to gulags Rivals killed or sent to gulags Solidified control in Solidified control in Renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Leninism v. Marxism Russia was pre-industrial A VANGUARD of the REVOLUTION (small group of revolutionary leaders) was necessary to provoke revolution. DEMOCRATIC CENTRALISM – Rule by a few key leaders. Primacy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)– THE superstructure. New Economic Policy (NEP) – Allowed some private property and businesses
Marxism-Leninism Marx’s revolutionary anti-capitalism; Lenin’s reliance of communist party-state. 1924: Lenin dies Named no successor 1927: Joseph Stalin took control.
Stalin’s Two-Part Plan COLLECTIVIZATION Ended private ownership (NEP) Collective Farms – Huge, state-run farms INDUSTRIALIZATION Forced society to industrialize. Surplus peasants farmers forced to cities. Five Year Plan – Double production of all major industries. Gosplan – Central State Planning Commission created goals for entire economy.
Stalinism Collectivization and industrialization by central planning, executed with force and brutality. PURGES Millions of citizens and party member killed. Obsessed with disloyalty within party. Millions more sent to labor camps (gulag)
Command v. Market Economy COMMAND ECONOMYMARKET ECONOMY Resource use and production Ownership of Industry Property Rights Employment Determined by Central Planning Determined by supply and demand. State owns most economic resources Private ownership of resources. Little to noneFully Protected State- controlled Individual- controlled
The Party State CPSU ran the state. Oversaw all people and institutions. CPSU only route to success. 10% of adults were members Power centered with POLITBURO & SECRETARIAT – Democratic Centralism – GENERAL SECRETARY was head of both
Recruitment of Party Elites Nomenklatura – Lists of “qualified” CPSU members who could fill important party positions. – Secretariat controlled appointments – Elite ruling class
Communism and the Cold War Nikita Khrushchev ( ) – Loosened censorship – Denounced Purges – Decreased Cold War tensions Leonid Brezhnev ( ) – Stagnating economy – Massive military spending
Mikhail Gorbachev ( ) New Programs GLASNOST: – political “openness” – Allowed political dissent PERESTROIKA: – Economic “restructuring” – Introduce elements of market economy – Private enterprise and private ownership (farms)
Flaws in the Soviet System Lack of incentive for workers “They pretend to pay us; we pretend to work.” “The system is not working because we are not working.”
Flaws of Soviet System Lack of innovation Nomenklatura Nomenklatura – Inbred spoils system – Encourages status quo RAMPANT BUREAUCRATIC INEFFICIENCY RAMPANT BUREAUCRATIC INEFFICIENCY – Poorly planned/run economy
Flaws of the Soviet System Excessive Defense Spending 40% of the Budget 15-20% of GDP 4 times greater than U.S.
Glasnost: Soviet Republics USSR 15 republics 92 different ethnic groups 112 different languages Various republics (regions) pushed for independence. Baltic States: 1989 – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
1991 Coup Attempt Communist hard-liners oppose Gorbachev’s reforms. 3-day coup Gorbachev detained at dacha.
1991 Coup Attempt Boris Yeltsin – President of Russian Republic – USSR’s largest “state.” Rallied public Opposed Coup Gorbachev resigns USSR disbands – Dec 1991
Commonwealth of Independent States (1991-current)