Lifepoint informatics 140 Greenwood Ave Midland Park, NJ LAB-TEST Copyright Notice Lifepoint Informatics, Midland Park, New Jersey Copyright Lifepoint Informatics All rights reserved. This document is protected by the copyright laws as an unpublished work. Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights This document is the confidential property of Lifepoint Informatics It is furnished under an agreement with Lifepoint Informatics and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that agreement. The use of this document is restricted to customers of Lifepoint Informatics and their employees. The user of this document agrees to protect Lifepoint Informatics’ proprietary rights as expressed herein. The user further agrees not to permit access to this document by any person for any purpose other than as an aid in the use of the associated system. In no case will this document be examined for the purpose of copying any portion of the system described herein or to design another system to accomplish similar Accessions. This document or portions of it may not be copied without written permission from Lifepoint Informatics LifePoint Patient Data Model Version 1.1 3/23/2008
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multiple Patient Pools) Within each Lab Database patient records are unique within a client mnemonic. The “client mnemonic” is a generic term for a physician office. This may be a single physician, a group of physicians, or a group of physicians and other medical providers. You can think of each client mnemonic (“Clmne”) group as a copy of the office’s PMIS or EMR database. If one office changes a patient address, it is not changed in the other office, which is a typical HIPAA compliance need. Accessions Patient Lab Database MYLABJohn Jones A4221 Dr. A OFFICE1 A4222 Dr. B OFFICE1 Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A OFFICE1 A4279 Dr. B OFFICE1 A8745 Dr. A OFFICE2 A8190 Dr. Z OFFICE2 Harold JonesAndy Jones A5172 Dr. A OFFICE2 A5081 Dr. Z OFFICE2 LifePoint Custom Data Model (Single Patient Pool) Within each Lab Database patient records are unique at the Lab Database level. Accessions can be filtered by an ordering or copy-to physician, but every user has access to a common patient record. This mimics a hospital data layout. If one user changes a patient address, it is changed for all users. PMIS interfaces are not allowed in this model.
This configuration is designed to handle these types of users: Office Staff Office Manager Physician Multiple Physician Super-user (PSC or Lab Client Services) LifePoint Data Model (Multiple Patient Pools) LifePoint Custom Data Model (Single Patient Pool) Each customized data model has a customized set of users that will be defined during the implementation phase.
Office Staff User Multiple Patient Pools, Single Client Mnemonic This user is configured to perform actions on all of the patients within the practice, regardless of the number of physicians Patients match the PMIS or EMR
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Office Staff User)Patient Search User searches for a patient with the last name of JONES User is configured as a typical office staff user at OFFICE1 Only the OFFICE1 Patients who match JONES are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Office Staff User)Physician Search User searches for accessions where the ordering physician is DR A. User is configured as a typical office staff user at OFFICE1 Only the OFFICE1 Accessions where the ordering physician is DR A are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Office Staff User)Inbox User is configured as a typical office staff user at OFFICE1 Inbox – all Accessions for OFFICE1 are displayed
Office Manager Multiple Patient Pools, Multiple Client Mnemonic This user is configured to perform actions on all of the patients within the multiple practices, regardless of the number of physicians Patients match the PMIS or EMR of each practice User is typically an office manager for the multiple practices User could be placing orders for multiple nursing homes If a practice is configured as multiple codes in the LIS (for example one code for AP, one for Lab), then a Client Mnemonic Translation table should be used, not this type of user.
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Office Manager)Patient Search User searches for a patient with the last name of JONES User is configured as a multiple-office manager for OFFICE1 and OFFICE2 The OFFICE1 and OFFICE2 Patients who match JONES are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Office Manager)Physician Search User searches for accessions where the ordering physician is DR A. User is configured as a multiple-office manager for OFFICE1 and OFFICE2 Both the OFFICE1 and OFFICE2 Accessions where the ordering physician is DR A are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Office Manager)Inbox User is configured as a multiple-office manager for OFFICE1 and OFFICE2 Inbox – all Accessions for OFFICE1 and OFFICE2 are displayed
Physician User Multiple Patient Pools, Single Physician Code This user is configured to view results for a particular ordering physician across all practices Patients match the PMIS or EMR of each practice User is typically a physician User is not “bothered” with results for tests that they did not order or that they were not copied on If a practice is configured as multiple physician codes in the LIS (for example two physicians in the practice, but no “office” code is configured in the LIS), then an interface Client Mnemonic Translation table should be used, not this type of user.
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Physician User)Patient Search User searches for a patient with the last name of JONES User is configured as a physician user who can only view accessions for DR A Accessions where the patient last name is JONES and the ordering physician is DR A are found
CONFIDENTIAL LifePoint Data Model (Physician User)Physician Search User searches for accessions where the ordering physician is DR A. User is configured as a physician user who can only view accessions for DR A Accessions where the ordering physician is DR A are found Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z
CONFIDENTIAL LifePoint Data Model (Physician User)Inbox User is configured as a physician user who can only view accessions for DR A Inbox – all Accessions for DR A are displayed Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z
Multiple Physician User Multiple Patient Pools, Multiple Physician Codes This user is configured to view results for multiple ordering physicians across all practices Patients match the PMIS or EMR of each practice User is typically a physician who has been assigned multiple codes in the LIS (for example, one code for Lab, another for AP). However, the Client Mnemonic translation should be used and Office Users setup for their functions. User is not “bothered” with results for tests that they did not order or that they were not copied on
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multi Physician User)Patient Search User searches for a patient with the last name of JONES User is configured as a physician user who can view accessions for DR A and DR B Accessions where the patient last name is JONES and the ordering physician is DR A are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multi Physician User)Physician Search User searches for accessions where the ordering physician is DR A. User is configured as a physician user who can view accessions for DR A and DR B Accessions where the ordering physician is DR A are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multi Physician User)Inbox User is configured as a physician user who can view accessions for DR A and DR B Inbox – All accessions where the ordering physician is DR A or DR B are displayed
Super User This user is configured to perform actions on all of the patients for the lab Can be used as a PSC user – Notify your account rep for feature activation – Create as a sub-user and remove access to results – Put “PSC” as part of the username
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multi Pools, Super-User)Patient Search User searches for a patient with the last name of JONES User is configured as a Super-User All Patients who match JONES are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multi Pools, Super-User)Physician Search User searches for accessions where the ordering physician is DR A. User is configured as a Super-User All accessions where the ordering physician is DR A are found
CONFIDENTIAL Accessions Patient Client Mnemonic Lab Database MYLABOFFFICE1 John Jones A4221 Dr. A A4222 Dr. B Mike Smith A4278 Dr. A A4279 Dr. B Harold Jones OFFICE2 Andy Jones A5172 Dr. A A5081 Dr. Z Mike Smith A8745 Dr. A A8190 Dr. Z LifePoint Data Model (Multi Pools, Super-User)Inbox User is configured as a Super-User Inbox – all Accessions are displayed