Technology Benefits from the ILC Paul Grannis, ILC Program Manager Department of Energy, Office of Science LCFOA Symposium, May 15, 2007 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●


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Presentation transcript:

Technology Benefits from the ILC Paul Grannis, ILC Program Manager Department of Energy, Office of Science LCFOA Symposium, May 15, 2007 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

31 km  ILC is the highest global priority for the next HEP facility at the energy frontier.  Two linear accelerators and associated systems to provide 250 GeV e  and e  beams colliding in a 5 nm high spot.  Two complementary experimental detectors share the 500 GeV collisions ( push-pull).  International value estimate = $6.7B (FY07) procurements + 13K man yrs (no contingency, escalation, detectors, land acquisition) 500 GeV e  e  collisions * Exaggerated transverse scale; crossing is 14 mrad ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● International Linear Collider

Layout of electron arm (positrons similar) Sources: Programmed laser on GaAs target eject polarized electrons. (150 GeV electrons create polarized positrons) bunches separated by 370 ns; 5 such trains per second. 5 GeV damping rings reduce the phase space (emittance) to give very small transverse size beams. Bunch compressor shortens bunches Main linacs with ~15,000 super- conducting rf cavities accelerate beams to 250 GeV. Magnets focus beams to 5 nm x 600 nm spot at intersection point. Detectors at IP record particles from head-on collisions at 500 GeV. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ILC accelerator systems

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ILC scientific goals  Understand how elementary particles (like the electron or quark) acquire mass – and therefore the rich fabric of our world.  Discover the nature of the mysterious dark matter (80% of all mass in universe) that seeds galaxy formation.  Are the elementary forces of nature unified? (Einstein’s dream). What new particles or forces cause this?  Uncover extra dimensions of space beyond the known 3 familiar ones (up-down, left-right, in-out).

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ILC Organization Oversight: ILCSC / FALC Global Design Effort (B. Barish director) 65 members equally from Americas, Asia, Europe European Team R&D BoardDesign/ Cost Bd Participating institutions ~ 700 scientists and engineers worldwide Americas Team (M. Harrison) Change Control Bd Asian Team US Labs Fermilab SLAC LBNL ANL Cornell BNL LLNL TJNAF LANL ORNL +universities

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Larger impacts on society  Answering fundamental questions satisfies human urges, even if answers have little initial practical value –  the universe is expanding from an initial big bang;  biological destiny is based on a simple 4 letter code;  mass and energy are inter-convertible,  all maps can be colored with only 4 colors … Though the ILC is justified by its scientific goals, we recognize that:  Curiosity driven research is one of the most powerful attractors for young people to enter S&T. About 85% of PhDs trained in HEP find careers outside basic research.  Basic research is a major economic driver: estimates range from 25 to 75% of the GDP.

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Spinoffs from basic science The ideas and tools developed for basic research often find unforeseen technological and social applications – often with very long lead times.  "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value" Marshal Ferdinand Foch, professor of strategy, Ecole Supérieure de Guerre  "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" – David Sarnoff's associates, in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s  "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." – Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer, asking about Faraday’s discoveries of electric induction (leading to the electric generator, and the basis for EM waves): “But after all, what use is it?” Faraday: “I do not know sir, but soon you will be able to tax it.”

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ILC technological benefits The ILC will press the boundaries of technology in several areas, and these may well find applications for industry. Confederation of funding agencies in Americas, Europe, Asia (FALC) has asked for a report to summarize the possibilities, with emphasis on new opportunities for industry. Initially each region is developing ideas; the three studies will be combined to give a global view by November A second aspect of the study will be on the benefit of ILC technology for new facilities in other sciences – materials research, chemistry, structural biology, environmental studies, plasma physics etc. (through new light sources, neutron sources, energy recovery linacs etc.)

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ILC technological benefits  Applications of linear accelerators  High gradient superconducting rf acceleration  SCRF materials/surface science  High power rf sources  High intensity storage rings  Nanometer beam instrumentation  Long baseline metrology  Electron sources  Accelerator simulations  Imaging detectors  Grid computing development Group 1: Maury Tigner Group 2: Shekhar Mishra Group 3: Ray Larsen Group 4: Marc Ross Group 5: David Strom Primary impact on other sciences?

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● “Rising above the Gathering Storm” NAS report asked for DOE Office of Science “ARPA-E” to explore transformational energy research – provide dramatic benefits to the nation. 10 MW 1 GeV proton linac, based on ILC technology Thorium target 700 MW output An example – Energy Amplifier An old idea (Rubbia) revisited – high power proton beam on Th reactor; spallation neutrons generate fission products, amplifying energy output. Short-lived end products ameliorate waste product storage. Needs ambitious R&D program (cavities, CW rf sources, controls …) From R. Raja

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Summary Have we foreseen all the potential outgrowths of ILC technology? No, probably not … We need your experience in identifying applications outside of science, and your ideas for new directions. Near term applications may be easier to foresee, but ideas about long-term possibilities are most welcome. Think outside the box ! THANKS!