CSE 425: Concurrency III Monitors A monitor is a higher level construct for synchronizing multiple threads’ access to a common code segment –Can implement within an object (Monitor Object Pattern) –E.g., built with mutexes, condition variables (and threads) At most one thread may be active within a monitor –I.e., all other threads within the monitor must be suspended –Synchronization is based on a common shared lock –Active thread may (atomically) signal, release lock, suspend –Signaled thread then may (atomically) resume, acquire lock Monitors introduce conditional scopes for concurrency –E.g., a consumer suspends unless a queue is non-empty –E.g., producers suspend if queue reaches “high-water-mark”, until queue again reaches “low-water-mark” condition
CSE 425: Concurrency III Queue empty - wait notify Queue Desired Internal Behavior
CSE 425: Concurrency III “Monitor Object” Pattern Approach –Methods run in callers’ threads –Condition variables arbitrate use of a common shared lock E.g., using a std::mutex, a std::unique_lock (must be able to unlock and re-lock it) and a std::condition_variable –Ensures incremental progress while avoiding race conditions Threads wait on condition Condition variable performs thread-safe lock/wait and wake/unlock operations Thread released when it can proceed E.g., when queue isn’t empty/full –Blocks caller until request can be handled, coordinates callers Client Proxy List (Monitor Object) lookup() add() Condition Lock (Passive) Monitor Objects
CSE 425: Concurrency III Can notify_one() or notify_all() –If it doesn’t matter which thread, just wake one up –If all need to see if it’s their turn, wake all of them Can limit waiting time –Use wait_for() to return after a specified interval –Use wait_until() to return at a specified time Can pass a predicate to wait (or wait_* ) method(s) –Won’t return until predicate is satisfied (or call times out) –Helps to avoid spurious wake cases A Few Variations
CSE 425: Concurrency III Today’s Studio Exercises We’ll code up ideas from Scott Chapter 12.4 to –Again via C++11 concurrency/synchronization types/features –Looking at higher-level concurrency/synchronization ideas like condition variables being used to implement monitors Today’s exercises are again in C++ –Please take advantage of the on-line tutorial and reference manual pages that are linked on the course web site –The provided Makefile also may be helpful –As always, please ask us for help as needed When done send with your answers to the account with subject line “Concurrency Studio III”