My Health Triangle
You make choices every day that affect you health. You decide what to eat, how to spend your time, and who you will spend your time with (well….technically you don’t get to hand pick your family ). All of these factors create your overall Health. Health is a combination of your physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. Thus, as discussed in class, your health needs to maintain a balance of all three sides of your health and your health triangle. They are all interrelated, and the key to good health is keeping a balance health triangle. Physical Social Mental/Emotion al The Health Triangle My Health Triangle
Social health involves getting along with other people. This includes being a caring family member, making and keeping friends, and giving and receiving support when it’s needed. Social health also involves interacting effectively with many different types of people, including both males and females and members of different ethnic and cultural groups. Physical Social Mental/Emotion al The Health Triangle Social
Physical health involves taking care of your body. This includes eating well-balanced meals and snacks, being physically active, avoiding disease, getting enough rest, and having regular medical and dental checkups. Physical Social Mental/Emotion al The Health Triangle Physical
Mental and emotional health involves liking and accepting yourself for who you are. This includes finding solutions to problems, expressing emotions in healthy ways, and finding positive ways to mange stress. Physical Social Mental/Emotion al The Health Triangle Mental/Emotional
My Health Triangle Using your newfound knowledge of a healthy balance of life (your health triangle), create your own personal health triangle that describes you and your health. Please use statements (this means more than a word or two, it resembles a complete sentence ). You may use your book as well for ideas, examples from class and/or some of the information that you listed from your self-inventory created last week. You may also use pictures of you, appropriate pictures from the internet, cut-outs from magazines, etc. Physical Social Mental/Emotion al The Health Triangle
Name _______________________ Period _____________ My Health Triangle Using your knowledge of Health, create a Health Triangle that describes you and your health. It must have: Three labeled sides, words, illustrations or cut outs, and pictures to describe your personal health and how you are healthy. Use the RUBRIC to be sure you have all the pieces of the project. Due by Monday w/Rubric. Score _______/50 50All Three sides are labeled (Physical, Mental, Social) Representative Triangle Evidence of effort Neat and Clean Presentation Easy to Read Easy to Understand Submitted in a timely manner (ON TIME) Use of Statements (sentences) 42.5One missing from above 37.5Two missing from above 32.5Three or four missing from above Name _______________________ Period _____________ My Health Triangle Using your knowledge of Health, create a Health Triangle that describes you and your health. It must have: Three labeled sides, words, illustrations or cut outs, and pictures to describe your personal health and how you are healthy. Use the RUBRIC to be sure you have all the pieces of the project. Due by Monday w/Rubric. Score _______/50 50All Three sides are labeled (Physical, Mental, Social) Representative Triangle Evidence of effort Neat and Clean Presentation Easy to Read Easy to Understand Submitted in a timely manner (ON TIME) Use of Statements (sentences) 42.5One missing from above 37.5Two missing from above 32.5Three or four missing from above