American Government Chapter 25 Section 1 Counties, Towns, and Townships
San Bernardino County, CA The Counties Stats – county size EXTREMES San Bernardino County, CA 20,064 square miles Kalawao County, Hawaii 13 square miles
Stats – population Los Angeles County, CA 9 million people Loving County, Texas 150 people
Powers of Typical County Govt. Executive Power Levy taxes Appropriate funds Legislative Power Supervising road programs Managing county property
Elected County Officials Titles & Job Description Sherriff Keeps jail and furnishes police protection Clerk Registers and records documents, mortgages Assessor Appraises property Treasurer Keeps county funds Auditor Keeps financial records
About 2 million people throughout the U.S. work in county government Titles & Jobs Cont. District Attorney Chief lawyer for the county Coroner Investigates deaths About 2 million people throughout the U.S. work in county government
Functions performed by county governments 1. keep peace 2. collect taxes 3. spend funds 4. build/repair roads & bridges 5. maintain schools 6. record deeds 7. licenses 8. etc.
Towns New England towns They have been the major unit of local government for hundreds of years; its meetings are examples of direct democracy
Townships Differences In NY, NJ, PA: townships where formed where people settled, so they are not uniform in shape From Ohio westward; townships are uniform in shape because they were drawn in federal public land surveys
Townships cont. States are divided into townships How big is a township? 36 square miles (6 miles square) Each township is divided into sections which are each 1 mile square Sections can be divided into smaller lots (Half Section-320 acres, Quarter Sections-160 acres, Half Quarters-80 acres)
Jobs of Special Districts 1. provide water, sewage and electrical service 2. furnish fire and police protection 3. build and maintain libraries, parks, schools etc.
Terms Borough - the main unit of local government in Alaska County - the main unit of local government in most of the U.S. Special District - an independent unit of local government Parish - the main unit of local government in Louisiana Townships - Mainly in the Midwest – counties are divided into subunits that share the duties of local government