Equal Opportunity Program News Fort Leonard Wood, MO Working together to achieve more Volume 5-07 EO HOTLINE /EEO HOTLINE MAY 2007 POSH All training will be held each Wednesday PVT-SSG , SFC & Above hrs. Located in Bldg 315, Room 227. Equal Opportunity Representative Course Training for the 3rd quarter, FY 07 will be held JUNE Contact your Brigade S3 schools or your branch specific EO representative for more information. Questions or recommendations regarding the EO portion of this newsletter can be directed to: MSG Kibler or MSG Thompson Training and Education CO2 Word of the month Asian/Pacific Heritage Month 1-31 MAY Committee meetings are held at Building 315, RM 227. Contact 187 INF EOA SFC (P) Clayton for dates and MAY - Story Time - Clarke Library MAY - Story Time - Clarke Library MAY - Asian Pacific Celebration - Nutterfield House – MAY - How to Prepare a Resume - Thurman Hall Room MAY - Cooking Class - Specker Chapel CO2 word for the month SUPPORT Give active help and encouragement - to give active help, encouragement. Be in favor of something - to be in favor of something such as a cause, policy, or organization, and wish to see it succeed. Across 1. Nods off5. Al-Jazeera viewer, probably9. Crockett's last stand14. Border on15. Tree trunk Pulitzer winner Paula17. Hammered designs19. Garlic sauce20. Santa... town22. Catch some rays23. Powder source24. Ret. plan27. Word on a Yankee dollar30. French sailor and writer, Pierre __34. Marie Edmé Patrice de __, French president Red dye used in cosmetics38. I'm dreaming of Gaggle contents42. Hardy breed from Scotland43. At a previous time44. Fall bloomer46. Felix or Garfield, e.g.47. Name-serial number connector49. Part of the Treasury Dept.52. It's...a lot like Christmas60. Beelike61. Suspensions of ongoing activities62. Beautiful in Bologna63. e.e.cummings, e.g.64. __-Mall65. Beer maker?66. The largest of the Inner Hebrides67. Ultimatum wordDown1. 'Keep off the grass!' sayer, perhapsAcross 1. Nods off5. Al-Jazeera viewer, probably9. Crockett's last stand14. Border on15. Tree trunk Pulitzer winner Paula17. Hammered designs19. Garlic sauce20. Santa... town22. Catch some rays23. Powder source24. Ret. plan27. Word on a Yankee dollar30. French sailor and writer, Pierre __34. Marie Edmé Patrice de __, French president Red dye used in cosmetics38. I'm dreaming of Gaggle contents42. Hardy breed from Scotland43. At a previous time44. Fall bloomer46. Felix or Garfield, e.g.47. Name-serial number connector49. Part of the Treasury Dept.52. It's...a lot like Christmas60. Beelike61. Suspensions of ongoing activities62. Beautiful in Bologna63. e.e.cummings, e.g.64. __-Mall65. Beer maker?66. The largest of the Inner Hebrides67. Ultimatum wordDown1. 'Keep off the grass!' sayer, perhaps ©Dave Fisher puzzles.about.com May be freely printed and distributed as long as authorship and copyright are acknowledged. BackBack | SolutionSolution 2. Cain's victim3. Coccoon occupant4. Rex of mystery5. Wormwood6. Seamstress Betsy7. Smart __ (wise guy)8. Gets drunk9. Take or use10. Tarzan's cover11. Highly excited12. Thaw13. Mixture18. Can.'s neighbor21. It's often at the door24. GIF or JPEG, e.g.25. Less refined26. Throbs28. Letters Taiwan can't use29. Knock off a bowler31. Containing the heaviest known metal32. Princesses headwear2. Cain's victim3. Coccoon occupant4. Rex of mystery5. Wormwood6. Seamstress Betsy7. Smart __ (wise guy)8. Gets drunk9. Take or use10. Tarzan's cover11. Highly excited12. Thaw13. Mixture18. Can.'s neighbor21. It's often at the door24. GIF or JPEG, e.g.25. Less refined26. Throbs28. Letters Taiwan can't use29. Knock off a bowler31. Containing the heaviest known metal32. Princesses headwear 33. Map feature35. Hung-jury results36. Stopped fasting37. Tee preceder39. Canadian whisky40. Bother44. __ Arbor, Mich.45. Supplies sparingly48. Certain stipend50. It makes a cavity51. Hillside52. Nursery dweller53. Pointless weapon54. __ monster (lizard)55. Cranny's partner56. Color for Lee's army57. Not written58. Squirts a squeak59. Chard relative33. Map feature35. Hung-jury results36. Stopped fasting37. Tee preceder39. Canadian whisky40. Bother44. __ Arbor, Mich.45. Supplies sparingly48. Certain stipend50. It makes a cavity51. Hillside52. Nursery dweller53. Pointless weapon54. __ monster (lizard)55. Cranny's partner56. Color for Lee's army57. Not written58. Squirts a squeak59. Chard relative Near term Observance information 2007 Did You Know? Participation in extremist organizations and activities by Army personnel is inconsistent with the responsibilities of military service. It is the policy of the United States Army to provide equal opportunity and treatment for all Soldiers without regard to race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. Enforcement of this policy is a responsibility of command, is vitally important to unit cohesion and morale, and is essential to the Army’s ability to accomplish its mission. It is the commander’s responsibility to maintain good order and discipline in the unit. Every commander has the inherent authority to take appropriate actions to accomplish this goal. This paragraph identifies prohibited actions by Soldiers involving extremist organizations, discusses the authority of the commander to establish other prohibitions, and establishes that violations of prohibitions contained in this paragraph or those established by a commander may result in prosecution under various provisions of the UCMJ. This paragraph must be used in conjunction with DODD , Subject: Guidelines for Handling Dissident and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces. DA Pam 600–15 provides guidance in implementing Army policy on extremist activities and organizations. a. Participation. Military personnel must reject participation in extremist organizations and activities. Extremist organizations and activities are ones that advocate racial, gender, or ethnic hatred or intolerance; advocate, create, or engage in illegal discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, or advocate the use of or use force or violence or unlawful means to deprive individuals of their rights under the United States Constitution or the laws of the United States, or any State, by unlawful means. b. Prohibitions. Soldiers are prohibited from the following actions in support of extremist organizations or activities. Penalties for violations of these prohibitions include the full range of statutory and regulatory sanctions, both criminal (UCMJ), and administrative.