Three Elements of Health Use the chart/handout you received to take notes on the information in the PPT.
Physical Health Example = the way your body functions as a whole Factors that affect it = proper nutrition, regular exercise, avoiding drugs, being free of disease/sickness, etc!
Social Health Example = The quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers and others you are in contact with Factors that affect it = respect for others, respect for yourself, staying away from people who do not treat you with respect, good communication, being able to work through problems, working collaboratively with others, etc!
Mental-Emotional Health Example = Expressing and coping with your emotions and daily stress in a positive way Factors that affect it = going to others for support, focus on developing a strong self- esteem, dealing with problems rather than avoiding them, etc.
Create your personal triangle: On the triangle, list five examples for EACH of the three sides of the Health Triangle that best represent your personal health for each category.
Health Triangle Collage Using the 3 elements of health, create a collage to portray the elements in your life Select at least 5 items from your life to represent EACH of the elements (physical, social, mental-emotional) Collage can be a combination of visuals/symbols and words to portray your Collage must be colorful and neatly done!!! Be creative