Educational Development Plan Business, Management, Marketing, and Technology
My name is Leonardo M. Edwards. I was born September 3, 1995 at Henry Ford Hospital. My mother and father are Leonardo and Kewanya Edwards. My parents are currently divorced. I have a younger brother and sister. Larenz (12yrs. Old) and Trinity ( 4yrs. Old) are my two younger siblings. I also have an older brother, John (19yrs. Old) who attends University of Detroit on a basketball scholarship. I am 15 years old and I am very tall as well, I'm 6’8. I’m very talented at basketball as well. I really love and enjoy it. I also excel in school as well. I have never been under a 3.0 G.P.A., which I am very proud of. I enjoy my life and plan to go to a four year University which I currently already have scholarships for. I currently attend Romulus Senior High School.
I believe that racism is a terrible thing. I feel that people shouldn’t be judged on the color of their skin, or from their personal background of heritage. Who are we to put out another for a characteristic that is beyond their control. I feel that everyone has a purpose and everyone should be able to come together unless they have proven their friendship to be revoked by their character and not their color or heritage. An African-American man, Caucasian man, or even Chinese man should all come together as one, because we all are equal. We all came from a woman the same way as everyone else did as well. No one is above anyone so we shouldn’t live that way. We should all have peace. I am an African-American male who believes in having friends no matter of their race, because at the end of the day, we are all human and equal.
My resume.resume
Career Ladder Career Ladder Math Part 1 and Part 2 Math Part 1 Part 2 English English
My pathway of my choice in which I chose would be Business, Management, Marketing, and Technology. The reason in which I felt that this was the right pathway for me because I am a leader and I am very good with money. My pathway fits my personality because its something in which I enjoy to do. I don’t just want a job that I do just to do it, with no passion or interest. I want a job in which I will appreciate, and love to put all of my fullest efforts in. The college that I would like to attend is University of Michigan. The reason that I would love to attend this college is because this is the college my mother and father attended and my grandmother as well. My family has all been to this college and I would like to go there as well. They are also going to give me a full-ride scholarship for basketball as well. The tuition for U of M is about $24,167 since I stay in state. This is broken down into tuition fees $11,837, books $1,048, room and board $9,192, and Personal and Miscellaneous would cost $2,090. I will also marry Vanessa at 26 years old and have 3 kids.
The skills that I have now that can help me with my job is that I am very good with money handling and I enjoy working with others. I'm very smart and good at math as well. I have always excelled in math, which is why it is my favorite subject. I also love to work with others helping them become better and being a leader. I love to encourage and lift others up but yet still make sure they are on task. Skills that I need to work on is my eagerness. Sometimes I overlook things that should be took out and worked on in a more time constructed way. I also am very quick to accept instead of making sure everything is exactly perfect, I need to work on not settling very fast.
Report Card Report Card
Thank you for listening and I hope that you enjoyed my PowerPoint.