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District Adherence to Legal Requirements Public hearing June 12, 2014 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Draft presented to Budget Standards on May 19, 2014 Draft presented to District Advisory Committee (DAC) on May 19, 2014 March/April: Continued Stakeholder Meeting at school sites with district staff; presentations to service clubs; review with CSEA and DTA Union Representatives; and Budget Standards January/February: Stakeholder Meetings at school sites, District Advisory Committee (DAC), Budget Standards. Also surveys mailed and distributed throughout the District.
Goal 1Goal 2Goal 3Goal 4Goal 5 Improve student achievement in English Language Arts and Mathematics so that all students graduate from high schools with the skills necessary to enter college or pursue the career of their choice including technology use and integration. Ensure all facilities are in good repair and provide a safe environment for students, staff and parents and promote a sense of pride in all schools. Support the social- emotional health of students by providing appropriate supports and services, use evidence of based protocols to improve behavioral practices (PBIS) to reduce suspensions and expulsions and improve pupil attendance and truancy rates. Improve parent participation, engagement and increase the learning opportunities for parents so that they are better equipped to support the learning of their students. Improve the rates at which English Learners acquire the English Language.
Infrastructure upgrades Add one F/T Computer Technician Add one F/T Technology Secretary Technology Contracts Library Aides Career Tech Education Counselor for Grades 7-12 Add one F/T District Psychologist Turning Point Contract Site Community Liasions Student Mentorship Program One F/T Intake Case Manager & one F/T Licensed Family Case Manager Increase services of Licensed Clinical Social Worker Parent Education Programs Start Up Costs, Materials & Supplies Goals 1,2,3,5 Goal 1 Goal 1,3,4,5 LCFF Funded Actions to Implement LCAP Goals Technology, Library, Media $814,889 Linked Learning/CTE Academies $106,746 Social & Emotional Support of Students $501,859 Learning & Guidance Center $316,486
Special Program Administration, GATE Classes, Language Assessors, Assessments, Supplemental Copy Costs, Push-In Teachers for Site Intervention Supplemental & Concentration funding allocated to sites based on number of EL Students and number of economically disadvantaged students Goal 1,2,3,4,5 Goal 1,3,4,5 LCFF Funded Actions to Implement LCAP Goals Ongoing Supplemental Services $556,830 Site Allocations $1,512,000 Ongoing Supplemental Services $556,830 Teacher Quality $1,355,294 Selection & Recruitment Activities Substitute Training / Permanent Sub Pool Weekly Professional Development Time API Coaches (Including NEW English Language & Literacy Coach) Curriculum Director Goal 1,3,4,5 Supplemental & Concentration funding allocated to sites based on the number of EL Students and number of economically disadvantaged students Total LCFF Allocated$5,058,750
Recommended Revisions Special Project Administration$ 5,000 English Language Assessments($5,000) Parent Participation$ 1,500 Student Mentoring Pilot$45,000 Custodial Supervisor$83,290 Total Increase to LCFF Budget$114,790
LCFF Funding $5,207,394 Projected Revenue Unbudgeted New Budget $5,580,506 $ 373,112