Ten Strategies for Locating Theories Locating Theories Video: 11 min. 15 sec.
Strategy 1: In-Depth Knowledge of the Topic Lit review
Strategy 2: Search Terms
Theory in the Title and/or Abstract
Sample Titles
Theoretical lens Terminology When Discusssing Theories Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Orienting lens No theory Theory rationale Foundational theory Paradigm Theory??? Grounded theory Theoretical perspective Theory base Critical reflexive theory
Theoretical lens Strategy 3: Truncating theor* Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Orienting lens No theory Theory rationale Foundational theory Paradigm Theories??? Grounded theory Theoretical perspective Theory base Critical reflexive theory
Theoretical lens Strategy 4: Locating Synonyms and Alternative Terms Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Orienting lens No theory Theory rationale Foundational theory Paradigm Theories??? Grounded theory Theoretical perspective Theory base Critical reflexive theory
Using the Boolean OR theor* OR paradigm* OR “orienting lens”
Using the Boolean OR theor* OR paradigm* OR “orienting lens” theor* paradigm* OR “orienting lens” OR “conceptual framework”
Strategy 5: Boolean AND for Additional Concepts theor* OR paradigm* OR “orienting lens”
Strategy 6: Search the Text of the Document
All Fields + Text
Finding Theories in Dissertations
Try theor -- Do not include the asterisk here. Use the FIND Option
Searching for Specific Terms
Theories in E-Books
Searching for Your Term Within E-Books
Keyword Matches
Strategy 7: Subject-Specific Databases Business, management, leadership, organizational behavior – ABI/Inform, Business Source Complete, Emerald Computers and technology – ACM, IEEE, ScienceDirect Education – ERIC Medicine – Medline Nursing and allied health -- CINAHL Psychology – PsycINFO Speech language pathology – Linguistics and Language Behavior
Other disciplines
Example: Problem Patrons ERIC ERIC CINAHL Discipline-Specific Databases Medline PsycINFO Medline PsycINFO ABI/Inform ABI/Inform
Strategy 8: Other Types of Sources
Theories Discussed in Encyclopedia Articles
Transformational Leadership Theories
Social Theory Database
Strategy 9: Locating Theories Used in Qualitative and Quantitative Research The use of a theory varies between qualitative and quantitative methods: Quantitative methods: Theories are presented - then tested to explain, predict, or establish causal relations between variables. Qualitative methods: Theories are presented to serve as a “lens” which then guides what is looked at and how questions are developed. Theories can also be generated as seen in grounded theory approaches.
Terminology Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Theory rationale Theoretical perspective Theory base Theoretical lens Orienting lens No theory Foundational theory Paradigm Grounded theory Critical reflexive theory Quantitative Terms Qualitative Terms
Research Methods Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Theory rationale Theoretical perspective Theory base Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Surveys Quasi- experiments Experiments Correlational studies Theoretical lens Orienting lens No theory Foundational theory Paradigm Grounded theory Critical reflexive theory Narrative studies Case studies Ethnography Phenomenology
Sage Research Methods Online
There should always be a citation to help you track down the theory used. Strategy 10: Using Citations
Reference Citation