Accountability: Current Issues Friday, April Region 4 ESC Accountability Update Richard Blair Sr. Education Specialist Federal/State Accountability
Current Issues Index System Most ELL Students EXCLUDED First Year of System 3-8 Tests 15 EOC Tests Index 2 for All Index 4 for HS Only Phase I Index System Most ELL Students INCLUDED Gr. 3-8 Tests 5 EOC Tests No Index 2 Score –HS Campses –AEA Campuses Continue Phase I
ELL INCLUSION 2014 State of Texas Accountability System
English Language Learners
Index 1 – Student Achievement Provide an overview of student performance based on satisfactory student achievement across all subjects for all students. Summed across tests, grades, subjects.
Index 1 – Student Achievement All Students Group Only Students counted once per subject Absolute Target –2013: 50 –2014: 55 Increase based on Continuation of Phase I Standards
Index 1: Student Achievement 8 Index 1 Student Achievement provides an overview of student performance based on satisfactory student achievement across all subjects for all students. Accountability subset: Grades 3-8 – fall enrollment snapshot date EOC – for tests administered in spring and fall, fall enrollment snapshot date; for tests administered in summer, prior year fall enrollment snapshot date Results from the following administrations included If the student was enrolled on the campus/district on the following date 2014 State Accountability Cycle EOC Summer AdministrationPrior year fall enrollment snapshot dateFall 2012 EOC Fall AdministrationCurrent year fall snapshot dateFall 2013 EOC Spring AdministrationCurrent year fall snapshot dateFall Spring administrationCurrent year fall snapshot dateFall Accountability Target: 55
Index 1: Student Achievement What does this mean….. A student could count over more than one accountability year. Sara Beth a Top o Texas ISD student, took and failed Algebra I at Top-o-Texas Middle School in the spring of Was advanced to Top-o-Texas High School, where she received accelerated instruction in the fall of The spring 2013 failure is attributed to the middle school campus. Sara Beth then took the fall 2013 administration of Algebra I and failed. She continued to receive additional supports from the Top-o-Texas High School, but although her score improved, she failed the spring 2014 Algebra I administration. The last failure is attributed to the high school campus for So Sara Beth’s Algebra I EOC scores count in both 2013 and 2014!
10 Index 2: Student Progress focuses on actual student growth independent of overall achievement levels for each race/ethnicity student group, students with disabilities, and English language learners. Accountability subset: Same as Index 1 beginning in grade 4 Student groups: All Students, ELL student group, special education student group, and seven race/ethnicity student groups: African American, American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races Index 2: Student Progress
Index 2 – Student Growth All Students, All Race/Ethnicity, ELL, SWD STAAR Progress Measure ELL Progress Measure –2+ Years in US Schools –No ELL Progress Measure Spanish 2013 to English 2014 in Reading
Index 2 – Student Growth (cont.) No Index 2 –High Schools Resume for 2015 Accountability Not enough tests (Algebra I, EOC English I, II Alternate –AEA Campuses Same as High School 5% Threshold for Not Meeting Index Standard (by School/Dist. Type)
Index 3 – Closing the Gaps Economically Disadvantaged and up to 2 LOWEST Performing Race/Ethnicity Groups Two Indicators –Phase I, Level II –Level III Advanced Minimum Size –Eco. Dis. – None –Others – 25 tests in Reading AND Math
Index 4 – Postsecondary Readiness New Indicators First Year for Elementary and Middle Changes for High Schools/Districts Change from Level III to Final Level II Standard
Index 4 – Postsecondary Readiness (cont.) Four Components or One Component –Elem/Ms: One Component STAAR Final Level II – 100% –High School: Four Components STAAR Final Level II – 25% Graduation Rate – 25% Graduation Plan – 25% Post Secondary Indicator – 25% Additional coming for 2015
Index 4 – Postsecondary Readiness (cont.) STAAR Component Targets: –Elementary Schools – 12 –Middle Schools – 13 –High Schools – 18 –Districts – 13 Index Targets: –ES, MS Same as STAAR Component Target –HS and Districts = 56
ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION 2014 State of Texas Accountability System
AEA Campus/District Index 1 – 30 Index 2 – Lowest 5% Index 3 – Lowest 5% Index 4 – 35 –75% Graduation Rate, 25% STAAR –Middle Schools ??? Graduation Rate –Includes Continuers, GED
19 Eligibility Criteria Ten former eligibility criteria AEC of choice must primarily serve secondary students in Grades 6-12 Residential facilities not evaluated in 2013 Modified Indicator Definitions and Index Construction Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness o Graduation Rate – Credit for GED recipients – Four-year, five-year, and six-year rates o *Bonus Points for RHSP/DAP graduates o *Bonus Points for Excluded Students Credit GED o *Bonus Points for Continuing Students who Graduate or Earn GED o Graduation and GED Rates = 75%, Final STAAR Level II Rates = 25% Modified Ratings Targets * Bonus points in these areas add a maximum of 50 bonus points to the final index score Summary of AEA Calculation
OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 2014 State of Texas Accountability System
Additional Issues Additional Distinction Designations –Postsecondary Readiness - District Target of 70% of all Postsecondary Indicators which are in the Top Quartile (25%) across campuses. –Science and Social Studies Indicators –Closing Achievement Gap Top Quartile (25%)
Additional Issues (cont.) ELL Progress for Spanish to English –Phase I, Level II = Exceeds –Below Phase I, Level II = Did Not Meet Credit for EOC Substitute Assessments –Use in Index 1 and 4 only –In TEA Rules EOC English I and English II –Combined Test in Spring AND –EOC Eng I, II Reading Tests from Fall, Summer
System Safeguards 23 Apply Safeguards to Specific Performance Indexes: Ensure reporting system disaggregates performance by student group, performance level, subject area, and grade; Performance rates are calculated from the assessment results used to calculate performance rates in the performance index (Index 1). Target for the disaggregated results meet federal requirements: STAAR performance target corresponds to Index 1, STAAR participation target as required by federal accountability, Participation will be addressed as it has been in the past, based upon the number of answer documents submitted. Federal graduation rate targets and improvement calculations, Federal limit on use of alternate assessments.
System Safeguards 24 Results will be reported for any cell that meets accountability minimum size criteria. Failure to meet the safeguard target for any reported cell must be addressed in the campus or district improvement plan. Performance on the safeguard indicators will be incorporated into the Texas Accountability Intervention System (TAIS).
FEDERAL ACCOUNTABILITY 2014 State of Texas Accountability System
Priority Schools Current Tier I & Tier II TTIPS Lowest performing schools based on combined “All Student” reading and math performance Schools with a graduation rate less than 60% Schools with a graduation rate less than 60% 73 schools 36 schools 188 Schools
Focus Schools Title I schools ranked by the widest gaps between reading/math performance of the federal student groups (7) and safeguard targets of 75%. Requirements –Engage in TAIS Process –Identify ONE Instructional Strategy –Maintain Documentation on Campus
DATA VALIDATION – STUDENT ASSESSMENT 2013 State of Texas Accountability System
Data Validation – Student Assessment A student assessment records data validation indicator typically suggests an anomaly that a local review may ultimately determine to be verifiable and accurate. A LEA’s initial results on these indicators is not made public. A student assessment records data validation indicator is typically based on an annual review of data inn a attempt to identify what data may be a anomaly or what trends can be observed over time.
Data Validation – Student Assessment Indicators Released Feb. 21, 2014 –Accountability Application (TEASE) Staging Information –Thursday, April 10, 2014 –ISAM Application Staging Intervention Requirements –Due June 9, 2014
Data Validation – Student Assessment
Stages 3 and 4 –Complete Activities –Submit in ISAM Stages 1 and 2 –Complete Activities –Maintain Documentation Locally TEA may request submission
Accountability Contact Richard A. Blair, Senior Specialist Accountability and Leadership Solutions Kelly Ingram, Director Accountability and Leadership Solutions