1 Applications of Medical Informatics - Robotic Arm & Virtual Reality Date: 11/14 Reporter: 盧紀邦
2 Outlines A. Robotic Arm B. Virtual Reality (VR) C. VR + Robotic Arm Benefits & Limitations Summary
3 Robotic Arm
4 Combined technologies: (Bio-)mechanics information technology (IT) - data processing, programming, information management.. For therapy: Medicine, rehabilitation, exercise science...
5 Robotic Arm Digital Control (Feedback): (sensor) Input (sensor) Process (decision) Output (motor) Loop (repeat) For Brain Injury: Stroke Functions: A. Compensation B. Training
6 A. Compensation Performance↑ ex: reaching, feeding...
7 B. Training Passive: Passive:↓Limitation Active (Robotic Therapy) : Active (Robotic Therapy) :↑Recovery
8 B. Training - Passive Maintain Functional ROM, ↓ stiffness ex: Continuous Passive Motion (CPM)
9 B. Training – Active (1) with resistance Strength, Endurance↑ ROM, Velocity↑ Unicycle Two-Link Arm (UTLA) Northwestern University Mechanical Engineering Dept. Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems Kinematic Constraints
10 B. Training – Active (2) With Target Motor control↑
11 MIT-MANUS Robotic Therapy on Motor Impairment and Recovery in Chronic Stroke. 1998~ B. Training – Active (2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Mechanical Engineering & Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. 1994~
12 Virtual Reality (VR)
13 Virtual Reality (VR) Combined technologies: Motion Analysis & Motion Capture 3D Model IT (Bio-)mechanics For therapy: Medicine, rehabilitation, exercise science...
14 Virtual Reality (VR) A. Virtual Environment: vision + audition + (olfaction, temperature, tactile, vestibular...) vision + audition + (olfaction, temperature, tactile, vestibular...) B. Reality Motion (virtual manipulate) role play, motion capture role play, motion capture feedback → virtual environment feedback → virtual environmentTypes: Open VR Close VR
15 Motion Capture VICON Motion Capture Data + 3D Model + 3D Model +
16 Open VR → ex:
17 Close VR
18 Virtual Reality (VR) + Robotic Arm
19 VR + Robotic Therapy (1) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University
20 VR + Robotic Therapy (2) IEEE-USAIEEE-USA and the Human Factors and Ergonomics SocietyHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society Robotic Arm for Stroke Victims - Doctors and Engineers Develop Virtual-Reality Recovery for Stroke Victims. 2005
21 VR + Robotic Therapy (3) Hocoma - Armeo® 2006 task-oriented upper extremity therapy stroke, traumatic brain injury or other neurological diseases and injuries. an adjustable arm support augmented feedback a large 3-D workspace : allows functional therapy exercises in a virtual reality environment.
22 Benefits & Limitations Benefits: objective, quantification purposeful, Interaction → enjoy↑ risk↓ manpower ↓ space : Limitations: cost maintain s multi-disciplines
23 Summary Clinical evidence : physical performance maintain: ROM, strength… motor recovery in stroke. cognition rehabilitation. now & future … OT Roles ? Effects of robotic therapy on motor impairment and recovery in chronic stroke ~
24 Q & A