1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES National Synchrotron Light Source II Nanoprobe Beamline K. Evans-Lutterodt November 8th, 2007
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Scientific Mission Allow the study of nanomaterials which today play important roles in many diverse scientific fields, opening up a wide range of scientific problems ranging from studying the structure and function of catalytic nanoparticles, to the mapping of strain in buried grain boundaries, to determining the structure of single molecule devices.
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Example: Energy Research Fully functioning micro-fuel cells Fritz Prinz, Stanford Univ. R. O’Hayre, F. B. Prinz, J. Electrochem. Soc. 151, A756 (2004) Need to determine Structure Composition Volume Surface Area of Pt nanoparticles in a carbon matrix
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamline Requirements and Specifications Requirements 10% Source size stability Floor vibration monitoring 25nm floor noise; (active vibration isolation gives 0.25nm) Remote endstation Specifications 1nm (convolution of spot size and mechanical stability) Energy range*, 4.3 keV to 30 keV (covers elements Sc to U ) *Do not expect to have 1nm over entire energy range (18 keV+)
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conceptual Layout of Nanoprobe
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Physical Layout of Nanoprobe FOE Mono hutch 1 Mono hutch 2
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Device CPMU U19, or U20 device Low Beta straight section (maximum brightness) Type of source Low- straight section (6.6m) σ x [μm]28 σ x ' [μrad]19 σ y [μm]2.6 σ y ' [μrad]3.2
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Front end Layout Front End Fixed Mask (FEFM) Z=14m Aperture Y=300um, X=1100um Differential Pump Z=14.5m Front End Adjustable Horizontal Source Aperture (FEHA) Z=16m Aperture Y=open, X=(0-1500um)+/- 500um Shield Wall Z=26.7m
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Engineering Analysis of Front End Fixed Mask Thermal Analysis Stress Distribution Subjected to white beam from U19 CPMU device : Analysis also performed for FE horizontal aperture
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES First Optics Enclosure Contains: Power filter (Diamond) White beam Slits Horizontal Focusing mirror Conductance limiting Be window High heat load mono White beam monitor Bremsstrahlung stop Mono fluo screen Secondary Horizontal Source Aperture (+ BPM) Monochromatic shutter
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Power management Undulator produces 7.8kW FEFM (Mask) absorbs (7.8kW - 354W)=7.446 kW HFM (Mirror) absorbs (354W-220W)= 134W HHM (Mono) absorbs 220W HRM ( Mono) ~0W
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Monochromatic Hutch 1 Tertiary Slits Beam monitor High Resolution Mono
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Monochromatic Hutches Hutch 1 Quad diode BPM Aperture: Y=10mm, X=25mm Removable Tertiary Horizontal Source Aperture Aperture Y=open, X = (0-5.0mm)+/-30mm Monochromatic Fluorescent Screen High-resolution mono (10 -5 dE/E, removable fixed exit, energy range set by high res optics.) Possible location for experimental endstation Hutch 2 1 nm experimental endstation (at > 75m from source) Includes nanofocusing optics and sample stage Emphasizes fluorescent measurements
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Multilayer Laue Lenses substrate Varied line- spacing grating Depth-graded multilayers on flat Si substrate Deposit varied line-spacing grating on flat substrate (thinnest structures first) Section to 5-20 m thickness (high aspect ratio structure) Assemble two into a single device (MLL) CNM, APS group: Maser et al. < 20nm performance!
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Instead of solid refractive optic: Use a kinoform: One can view the kinoform equivalently as a)A blazed zone plate b)An array of coherently interfering micro-lenses. Kinoform Optics K. E-L et al. (2003) < 80 nm
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamline design issues are the same for types of optics: Both are line focus elements: will allow to correct for different vertical and horizontal source locations Both are chromatic ~ 10 -5, but MLL bandwidth is factor of 2 broader We do not need to re-design beamline to accommodate either optic
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SourceFocusing Optics Focal 76.01m Front End Aperture (FEFM + FEHA). Horizontal Focusing Mirror (HFM) Secondary Horizontal Source Aperture (SHSA) Operational Mode 1: Direct mode Endstation in mono hutch 2 ( back hutch) Side View
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Secondary Focusing Optics. Source Focal 41.34m Front End Aperture (FEFM + FEHA) Secondary Horizontal Source Aperture (SHSA) Waveguide.. Operational Mode 2: Waveguide mode Endstation in mono hutch 1 Primary Focusing Optics Horizontal Focusing Mirror (HFM)
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Endstation 1 (APS Nanoprobe/Xradia) Endstation Features First version being commisioned at APS Optical resolution 30nm Mechanical resolution projected 5nm More R&D required for positioning Fluorescence nanoprobe Full Field imaging Nano-Diffraction Nano-tomography Cryo sampleholder Beam Direction
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Requirements imposed on Project On Conventional Facilities: Real time monitoring of vibrations Long beamline Satellite Building Utilities Ramp over long beamline section On Accelerator Systems Electron beam stability of 0.3 microns over 8 hrs
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outstanding Issues Diamond filter thickness and phase error characterization 1nm resolution optics; Ongoing R&D effort Conservative mode is long beamline. Progress elsewhere on waveguide mode might give shorter beamline Vibration analysis/design ( see next)
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Should we attach nanoprobe to ring or not? Option A: Nanoprobe slab connected to main ring Option B: Nanoprobe slab isolated from main ring Nick Simos; finite element analysis tools
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES And the answer is: Some vibration sources: and the system response Separating the nanoprobe remote slab reduces vibrations at experiment
25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES WBS Dictionary: All activity related to the design, construction, and commissioning without beam of an insertion device beamline for nanoprobe studies. Undulator Beamline 2 Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) Total Estimated Cost ($ x 1000) WBS Description Direct $ Total Burdened & Escalated Bottoms up Contingency Total with Contingency FTEsLabor Non-Labor (Mtrl, Trvl, Act) %$ Value Undulator Beamline 2 Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) 12.51,0848,78412,726445,59218, Enclosures0.4341,2001, , Beam Transport Utilities White Beam Components High Heatload Optics001,2481, , Beam Conditioning Optics Personnel Safety System Equipment Protection System Endstation ,4814,23863,2217, Beamline Controls Beamline Control Station Beamline Management , , Satellite Building009001, ,436
30 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Nanoprobe line can be built to specifications, on time and on budget The design will deliver 1nm beams and experimental capability that will have significant impact across a range of disciplines Risks Need significant improvements in positioning control Optics R&D Attention to vibration sources