Guided Reading Activity 15-3 Recalling the Facts
1. antislavery Whigs and democrats and Free-Soilers 2.The government should ban slavery from new territories. 3. It was becoming a southern party
4. a. John C. Fremont b. James Buchanan c. Millard Fillmore 5. Buchanan 6. Dred Scott
7. Taney said an enslaved person is property 7. Taney said an enslaved person is property. The 5th Amendment prohibits Congress from taking property away from people without “due process of law.” 8. Illinois
9. through popular sovereignty 10. He thought it was morally wrong. 11. Slavery
12. a national reputation 13. Oct. 16, 1859 in Harpers Ferry, Virginia 14. he was captured, tried, found guilty and hung