N EWS Megan Scully
I NTERNATIONAL Dutch documentary causes tension among lawmakers. Brandon van Ingen (18) is mentally ill/ potentially dangerous and was the center of the documentary From 2007 Ingen has been tied to a wall for parts of the day Health inspectors are still investigating van Zanten-Hyllner said that they are “undertaking constant efforts to improve the living situation."
N ATIONAL Gas line pressure increase causes 9 house fires in Ohio village, Jan 24 Ohio village of Fairport Harbor All 17 of the county’s fire departments were called to the scene. (7am) All gas services were shut off and all fires were extinguished
L OCAL January 21 & 22 San Francisco: Boy (9) shot in the stomach, a man (50) dead from knife wounds, and a man (25) injured. Boy does not have any life threatening injuries Police are still investigating why the boy was shot The man that was stabbed was wielding a shovel at the other man. He then got a knife and stabbed the man Suspect has not been charged Man was shot in the shoulder during a drive-by. Does not appear to be life-threatening No arrests or charges have been made
QUESTION #1 What kind of film was being made about Brandon Van Ingen? A. Action B. Documentary C. Drama
ANSWER! B. Documentary
QUESTION #2 How many of the Ohio Village county’s fire departments were called to the scene? A. 3 B. 11 C. 17
QUESTION #3 Where did the 3 violent incidents occur? A. San Francisco B. Los Angeles C. Santa Clara
ANSWER! A. San Francisco
S OURCES etherlands.documentary/index.html?hpt=C1 bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/01/22/BA671HD39I.DT L uations/index.html?npt=NP1 s/PCbest5.asp